History & Culture

Ohio's National Park is a restored landscape of unusual vibrance.

History runs deep in the valley, with over 12,000 years of human occupation. From the unwritten stories of pre-contact peoples to the environmental disasters and comebacks of modern times, humans have left an impact on the valley. Here along the Cuyahoga River, humans have used, shaped, and been shaped by the landscape. Culture and nature interplay here, with each having its impact on the other.

The story of Cuyahoga Valley National Park's establishment highlights the impact local citizens and political leaders can have when they work together with passion and common purpose to protect aspects of America's heritage.

This story is rooted in the environmental and social movements of the 1900s. It is about the desire to have scenic open spaces near to home, especially for recreation. It is about not only saving significant features but restoring a landscape to be culturally vibrant, less polluted, a better home for wildlife, and a model for sustainable living.

A black-and-white photo of a woman in a long, black dress standing at a water pump.

Learn about those who have called the valley home and meet a few of the local characters.

Cyclists ride on a paved trail next to a river, which is lined with trees with orange leaves.

Learn more about places that highlight the cultural and natural history of the valley.

A black-and-white photo of twenty people, mostly men dressed in suits; behind them, two tour buses.

Explore the stories of the valley, from how people modified their environment to make a living to how American history unfolded here.


Learn more about park history

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    Last updated: August 22, 2024

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