News Release

Wildland Fire on Lookout Mountain Update

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Date: December 11, 2024
Contact: Todd Milsaps, 706-866-9241, ext. 141

Fort Oglethorpe, GA:  On Saturday, December 7, a wildland fire was reported on the eastern slope of Lookout Mountain within the boundaries of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, south of the Incline Railway, near the Hardy Trail.  

After a thorough investigation by a National Park Service investigator, the cause of the wildfire which ignited within the Lookout Mountain Battlefield was determined to be a natural event. The event began around 5:30 am on December 7 with a large rockslide, likely caused by freeze/thaw action.  Large boulders tumbled from the top of Lookout Mountain towards Ochs Highway.  The boulders struck many trees and other stationary boulders along the way, creating immense heat and sparks. The boulders also pushed over a large tree which struck a power line that parallels the Hardy Trail.  Although the powerline strike could have created sparks, the evidence on scene indicates the rockslide as the probable cause of the fire. No evidence of human activity was found in the steep slope area where the wildfire originated.

The wildfire is currently determined to be 100% controlled, meaning it is fully contained and not expected to spread under current conditions with minimal monitoring.

The final investigation report will be completed once the fire is determined to be officially out, which is anticipated to occur within two weeks, once there is no visible smoke and the fire area is cold with no hotspots. The Mountain Beautiful Trail on Lookout Mountain remains closed until further notice. 

Last updated: December 11, 2024

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