Weddings and Special Event Permits
Weddings and other special events, such as church services, require a Special Use Permit (SUP) from the park and must follow specific guidelines, according to policy and regulation.
Completed applications for SUPs for weddings and other special events, along with a non-refundable fee, must be received by the park no less than 14 days prior to the start of the event.
A SUP is also required for certain activities such as political events, public assemblies, demonstrations, the distribution of literature, and other activities commonly referred to as "First Amendment" activities.
If you are planning a wedding in the park, please visit our Wedding Regulations Page. If you are interested in conducting scientific research in the park, please visit our Scientific Research Page. If you are planning any other type of event in the park, please visit our Special Event Permit Page.
Filming, Still Photography, and Audio Recording in Parks
In most cases, permits and fees are not required for filming, still photography, or audio recording that involves eight or fewer individuals. In order to avoid permit and fee requirements, the filming, still photography, or audio recording must meet all of the following conditions:
Occurs in areas open to the public;
Uses hand-carried equipment only;
Does not require exclusive use of a site;
Does not adversely impact park resources, values, or other visitors; and
Is not likely to result in snot result in additional administrative costs for the NPS.
Permits and fees are never required for filming, still photography, or audio recording that is associated with an activity or event that has been authorized under a written instrument (e.g., permit or agreement), such as a wedding, sporting event, demonstration or other activity.
All filming, still photography, and audio recording is treated the same under the new law. It does not matter whether it is commercial, non-commercial, for content creation, by a student, or conducted by media or for news gathering.
When a filming, still photography, or audio recording permit is required, the National Park Service will charge location fees and fees to recover its costs to administer the permit, including application fees.
Individuals and groups conducting filming, still photography, or audio recording remain subject to all other laws and regulations applicable to visitors to park areas, including those requiring permits for certain activities (e.g., special events or demonstrations) and those prohibiting disturbance or other negative impacts to natural or cultural resources.
Individuals and groups conducting filming, still photography, or audio recording are subject to entrance and/or recreation fees that may apply in park areas even when a permit is not required.
Tour Reservations
K-12, homeschool, and collegiate institutions who are planning an educational field trip should visit the field trips page.
Military units, including ROTC programs, interested in scheduling a staff ride, please visit the staff ride page.
If you are scheduling a group tour for a community organization, please contact us for information and scheduling. If you are with a scouting organization, visit our scouting page for opportunities.
If you are not with an organized group, and are interested in ranger-guided tours and programs, visit our guided tours page and the special event calendar. Most public, ranger-guided tours do not require reservations.