For safety reasons, the connector trail from Bryce Point to Peekaboo Loop is closed due to severe icy conditions. Peekaboo Loop may still be accessed from the Two Bridges side of Navajo Loop and the Figure 8 Combination Trail.
The Connecting Trail from Bryce Point to the Peekaboo Loop and the Wall Street side of Navajo Loop are closed for the winter season. The Two Bridges side of Navajo Loop remains open year-round, allowing access to Peekaboo Loop and Queen's Garden. More
Mossy Cave trail is one of the lowest elevation hikes in the park as well as one of the only hikes that begins with a climb and ends with a descent. This trail provides access to Water Canyon in one direction and to a sheltered overhang known as Mossy Cave in the other. This area is filled with mosses in the summer and icicles in the winter. Please stay on the main trail and respect all posted signs. Pets are not permitted on this trail.
Hike the Hoodoos Hiking is great exercise and Bryce Canyon's "I Hiked the Hoodoos!" program is not just hiking, it's also a scavenger hunt with a special reward!