AlaskaNPS parklands in Alaska. Whether you are hunting, floating, or hiking through the backcountry, it is important to have accurate maps to help guide your adventures. Excellent resources for finding topographic maps are the United States Geological Survey's map database, topoView and the Bureau of Land Management Spatial Data Management System. TopoView highlights one of the USGS's most important and useful products, the topographic map. In 1879, the USGS began to map the Nation's topography. This mapping was done at different levels of detail, in order to support various land use and other purposes. As the years passed, the USGS produced new map versions of each area. The most current map of each area is available from The National Map. TopoView shows the many and varied older maps of each area, and so is especially useful for historical purposes—for example, the names of some natural and cultural features have changed over time, and the 'old' names can be found on these historical topographic maps. The Spatial Data Management System allows you to add geospatial data layers such as land status, village boundaries, easements, and natural resources. Tools are available to zoom in, zoom out, measure, mark up, print, and download your created map. |
Last updated: January 29, 2025