Archeological Sites

There are archeological sites throughout Zion National Park. Studying these areas can help us understand the past. Because most sites can easily be damaged by people, only a few are open to public viewing. With your help, we can protect these fragile sites so that people can continue to learn from them long into the future.

Thank you for being a courteous guest!

Visit only if you are invited.

Inquire at the Zion Visitor Center about which sites are open to public viewing.

Don't touch the art.

Oils from your skin damage pictographs (rock paintings) and petroglyphs (rock carvings). Never deface a site by scratching or rubbing the rock surface. It ruins irreplaceable masterpieces and is illegal.

Avoid picnicking in archeological sites.

Crumbs attract rodents who may nest within the site. Pick up and carry out all trash and garbage.

Don't take the knickknacks.

Leave all artifacts, including small fragments of pottery and stone chips, right where you find them for others to enjoy. Out of context, artifacts cannot help us to understand the past. It is illegal to remove them or create artifact piles.

Do not stack rocks in or around archeological sites.

Stacking rocks disturbs the site and natural setting.

No slumber parties.

Please do not camp in or near archeological sites. Smoke from campfires stains walls and cliffs, and charcoal leaves a mess. Never use wood from archeological sites in campfires.

Don't pee in the parlor...or any other room.

Human waste left at archeological sites is unsightly and unsanitary.

Keep your feet off the furniture.

Cultural sites, even those designated as ''open'' to visitors, are very fragile. Walk carefully and stay on established trails. Avoid leaning or sitting on walls and never climb on pictograph/petroglyph panels.

Do not enter gated or closed sites.

Fragile sites are closed to the public for stabilization and damage assessments. Respect these sites by respecting closed signs.

5 carved arrowheads

Unearth examples of what people in the past made, purchased, and collected.

Petroglyphs of animals

Uncover Zion National Park's human history.

A person and a horse stand in water in a slot canyon.

Learn more about the diverse peoples who have called Zion home for thousands of years.

Painting of Zion Canyon with the Virgin River in shadow

Discover historic places and structures at Zion.

Last updated: November 2, 2022

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Mailing Address:

Zion National Park
1 Zion Park Blvd.

Springdale, UT 84767


If you have questions, please email Listen to recorded information by calling anytime 24 hours a day. Rangers answer phone calls from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. MT, but a ranger may not answer if they are already speaking with someone else.

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