Roadside sightings along the Big Oak Flat Road - From the Big Oak Flat Entrance to Yosemite Valley
Nude Buckwheat
Eriogonum nudum
July 15, 2012
Blooming along the roadside between Crane Flat and the Big Oak Flat Entrance Station. This plant has small white flowers that appear in small ball-shaped clumps along thin leafless stems around 3 feet tall.
Washington Lily
Lilium washingtonianum
July 15, 2012
Blooming most heavily between Crane Flat and the Big Meadow Overlook. These large white lilies appear at the top of four to six foot tall stems. If you are driving with your windows open in the cool evening air, you may even be able to smell their sweet fragrance as you pass by a particularly dense bunch.
Lupinus sp.
July 14, 2012
A large Lupine species is common along the road throughout the Big Meadow fire scar section near Foresta. These purple flowers form obvious spikelike clusters that stick up above the bright green bushy leaves.