Wrangell - St. Elias National Park and Preserve contains approximately 13 million acres of public land in south-central Alaska. When the park and preserve were established by the U.S. Congress in 1980, certain forms of hunting and trapping were authorized for each type of area. The National Park Service and the State of Alaska cooperatively manage the wildlife resources of the park and preserve. An Alaska state hunting license is required for all hunters age 16 or older. Bag and possession limits vary by species and by area. Always check current hunting regulations, which are available at park visitor centers or on the State of Alaska website. For further information about hunting in the Copper Basin, please contact the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Glennallen office at P.O. Box 47, Glennallen, Alaska 99588; (907) 822-3461. Sport hunting is ONLY allowed within the NATIONAL PRESERVE and must be conducted in accordance with Alaska State Law. Subsistence hunting by qualified, local rural residents is authorized in both the park and preserve. Access Snowmachines may be used when there is adequate snow cover. Motorboats, horses and dog-teams may also be used. Permits are not required. Recreational off-road vehicles (ORVs) may be used on established routes only. Recreational ORV users (including sport hunters) are required to obtain ORV permits at the Slana Ranger Station or the Wrangell-St. Elias Visitor Center. Subsistence hunters are encouraged to obtain ORV permits and use only established routes. Please see the ORV Trails webpage for more detailed information. Licenses Maps Maps showing the park and preserve boundaries are available at all park visitor centers and ranger stations. The boundaries are depicted on the 1:250,000 scale map series produced by the U.S. Geological Survey. These maps are available for sale at the Federal Building in Anchorage and many sporting goods stores. Hunting Guides |
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Last updated: December 4, 2015