First in War, First in Peace, First in the Hearts of his Countrymen

Built to honor George Washington, the United States' first president, the 555-foot marble obelisk towers over Washington, D.C.

Painting of George Washington
The Father of His Country

George Washington was perhaps the one indispensable man among the founders.

People sitting on a bench waiting to go into the Washington Monument

You can't get to the top of the Washington Monument without a ticket. Learn how to get them here!

Photo of partially completed Washington Monument
"To the immortal memory of Washington.."

A timeline shows how the plans to memorialize America's first president were realized over more than half a century.

Aerial  photo of Washington Monument
Through the Years

From concept to construction to completion, the Washington Monument has been a focal point of the nation's capital for more than 150 years.

Last updated: March 15, 2024

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