A park ranger puts up a sign to protect both a historic building and our visitors safety.
NPS Photo
Plan Ahead
Every visit to a National Park Service site should be a safe and happy one. With a little planning you can get the most out of your visit. By checking local weather reports, printing out maps ahead of time, and letting others know when you plan to return from a hike you sure to make it home safe with wonderful memories.
Stay on the designated trails.
Bring bug spray, sun protection and water.
Watch your step on uneven surfaces (look out for tree roots).
Keep valuables out of sight in your vehicle and lock your car.
Keep dogs on a 6 foot leash. This is for the safety of wildlife, other visitors, and your pet.
Check the weather report and tide chart before any boat trip.
Obey all posted signs, No Wake Zones, speed limits, and trail uses.
Download the NPS App for maps, water fountain locations, and other safety information.
If you hear thunder, you are close enough to be struck by lightning. REMEMBER: There is NO PLACE outside that is safe during a thunderstorm!
Animal Safety
Please respect our wildlife. Our park protects a wide range of beautiful creatures, some of which can prove hazardous to people.
Check yourself for ticks after a hike.
Rattlesnakes are just one of the venomous snakes in the park, give all snakes the right of way.
Alligators live in this park, learn to recognize their nests before exploring fresh water ponds.
Even small animals like squirrels and raccoons can bite.
Never move baby animals, the mother may be closer than you realize.
Mosquitoes carrying Zika are a potential risk in all Florida parks.