NPS Photo Dragonflies and damselflies are seen flying around the park. The eastern pondhawk is an athletic, swift-flying predator, able to catch damselflies and other insect prey. When newly emerged, the dragonflies at first hunt away from water. After about two weeks they return to the ponds and males set up territories, chasing away rivals. Another amazing insect predator, best known in its larvae stage, is the antlion. These ambush predators lie in wait and seize small insects, they even dig dig puts, waiting at the bottom to catch and eat falling ants. Decomposers like the Eastern Hercules beetle can be found in a log on the forest floor. They are one of the largest insects in the United States. They feed on logs, stumps, fallen leaves and rotten fruit. What would your visit to the park look like with out the work of decomposers? NPS Photo Gallery Insects, Spiders, Centipedes, ...17 Images An album to celebrate all the bright colors and biodiversity these creatures bring to the park. Select a Park:Select a Species Category (optional):
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Last updated: July 27, 2023