There's lots of places to discover in the Timucuan Preserve. Here's some ideas for young people:
Explore Fort Caroline & the Preserve Visitor Center and compare life in a Timucua village with life in a French fort. There is also a touch box to enjoy in the visitor center.
Take a hike or bike ride at the Theodore Roosevelt Area - keep a lookout for birds and animals!
Learn about the daily life of the enslaved children who worked at Kingsley Plantation - we think you'll find it is a lot different than your life today. At this site you can also check out the Adventure Backpack which includes binoculars, a nature journal and so much more.
Match up the animal calls with the animal pictures in the exhibits at the Ribault Club. You can also learn to speak Timucuan!
While you're discovering new activities at the park, you can become a Junior Ranger! There's four program options which let you earn two different badges.
Hey Scouts! We have special activities in the park just for you. Click here to find out more.
There is a story behind every name in Timucuan Preserve. This guessing game takes online Junior Rangers to every site and gives a backstory to the areas name.
Explore the Timucuan Preserve website searching for photos in our online Junior Ranger Challenge and see what you learn along the way. Print out your new Junior Ranger badge once you have finished.