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Showing 5 results for mardi gras ...
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
This lesson concerns a strike by FLAMBEAUX, men (generally African American) in New Orleans who carry large torches to light the parades. It concerns reasons a community might become militant and the role of solidarity in such struggles. It uses music created by the New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park that is found on the cd Remembering 300- Arrowhead Jazz Band.
Mars Traveling Trunk
- Type: Traveling Trunk
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Journey through time and space, through the geography and geology of sand dunes, and the feats of engineering that make such exploration possible.
He Aha Lā He Kūkulu?
ʻĀhinahina Haleakalā
Peace Picnics and Community in Hopedale
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade

In 1842, a group of like-minded individuals created a commune called Hopedale. Under the leadership of minister Adin Ballou, people came to Hopedale to live out their values, which included Christian non-resistance and abolition. In this lesson, students will read primary source accounts about anti-slavery meetings and celebrations independence in Hopedale, MA and consider how people use speeches and print to make persuasive arguments.