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Showing 12 results for Infantry ...
25th Infantry Bicycle Corps
- Type: Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Adult Education

In the late 1890s, the bicycle grew in popularity as a mode of transportation. This sparked a curiosity for their use in the military. Lieutenant James A. Moss of the 25th Infantry volunteered to test this idea. Learn how the newly formed 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps journeyed over 2000 miles across the varied American landscape from Fort Missoula Montana to St. Louis Missouri. Discover the challenges and triumphs faced by the Buffalo Soldiers on their ride into history.
1st Kansas Colored Infantry 5th & 6th Grade
1st Kansas Colored Infantry, 3rd & 4th Grade
1st Kansas Colored Infantry 7th & 8th Grade
Black Valor During the Spanish-American War
- Type: Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Adult Education

The Buffalo Soldiers were called to action during the Spanish-American War. At the start of the five-month war the men of these Buffalo Soldier units were labelled as heroes and praised for their sacrifices. However, at the war's end, the men's reputation had turned with negative press and gross insinuations. What changed? What happened that they were cut out of the picture with the Rough Riders?
Pickett's Charge: A Critical Look
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Battle, as shown by "Pickett's Charge", was a sad, costly, and frightening experience during which soldiers exhibited many examples of courage, devotion, fighting ability and fear. The Pickett's Charge student education program seeks to personalize the battle by having each student focus on the life and sacrifice of one soldier. By role-playing the soldiers in one regiment involved in the infantry assault, it is hoped that the emotional context of battle is revealed.
The Sound of Buffalo Soldiers! A Musical Bridge to Communities
- Type: Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Adult Education
Buffalo Soldiers on the Move! How New Technologies Led to New Opportunities!
- Type: Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Adult Education

As new modes of transportation were developed; they were adapted for military use. These new modes of transportation created new opportunities for soldiers to step into roles of leadership or be part of new regiments. African Americans took advantage of these new opportunities and combated the negative perception of their leadership abilities in the Army.
Benjamin O. Davis, Jr.: From Fourth Graduate to Four Star General
- Type: Distance Learning ... Guest Speakers
- Grade Levels: Adult Education

General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. built a legacy well beyond being the fourth African American to graduate from West Point. He learned from the legacies that came before him to go further and higher in his military career. He commanded the Buffalo Soldiers, the Tuskegee Airmen, and served all over the world. Even after retirement, he continued to serve the public in various administrations, creating change on various levels to leave a legacy all his own.
The Battle of Harpers Ferry 1862: Joining Up!
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
The Battle of Harpers Ferry 1862: Joining Up!
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Attu: The North American Battleground of World War II
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade

In early June 1942, America had cause for jubilation and despair. The war news told of coordinated attacks by the Japanese on Midway and the Aleutian islands. At the Battle of Midway, American planes sunk four Japanese aircraft carriers and destroyed or hundreds of planes. But in the Aleutians, the Japanese bombing had been successful, and they occupied the islands of Attu, Agattu, and Kiska.