Guest Speakers

25th Infantry Bicycle Corps

Grade Level:
Adult Education
Social Studies

What makes an opportunity a good one? Join a Park Ranger for a 45-minute PowerPoint presentation on the 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps and their experimental rides across the American landscape.

In the late 1890s, bicycles grew in popularity as a mode of transportation in the United States. This sparked a curiosity for their use in the military to replace the use of horses. Lieutenant James A. Moss of the 25th Infantry volunteered to test this idea. He formed 25th Infantry Bicycle Corps and recruited African American soldiers to join on several experimental rides. The largest being over 2000 miles from Fort Missoula, Montana to St. Louis, Missouri. Discover the challenges and triumphs faced by the Buffalo Soldiers on their ride into history.

To request this program in person or virtually from the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument please email us.

Last updated: June 28, 2023