- Lesson Plan (17)
- Field Trips (5)
- Teacher Reference Materials (1)
- Grand Canyon National Park (6)
- Tumacácori National Historical Park (4)
- Montezuma Castle National Monument (2)
- Walnut Canyon National Monument (2)
- Wupatki National Monument (2)
- Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail (1)
- Petrified Forest National Park (1)
- Tonto National Monument (1)
- Tuzigoot National Monument (1)
- Social Studies (18)
- Literacy and Language Arts (12)
- Science (8)
Showing 23 results for Arizona ...
Fighting for Voting Rights at Grand Canyon and Across Arizona
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Learn about the Hoover Dam, located where the Colorado River forms the boundary between the states of Nevada and Arizona,
Lumber, The Green Book, and Grand Canyon
Montezuma Castle and Tuzigoot National Monuments Educator's Guide
- Type: Teacher Reference Materials
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Making Sense of Our World: Upper Elementary
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Looking Back Through Geologic Time: Middle School
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Clam Beds Geology Hike
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
River Ramble
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
This exploratory walk highlights the ecology of the Santa Cruz River Valley. This program will also touch upon the importance of river corridors as locations for traditional O’odham villages. Students will learn about the plants that were used for clothing, tools, and food. Learning will involve inquiry, sensory activities, and language arts.
Life at Tumacácori
- Type: Field Trips
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Students will investigate how mission life differed from traditional O’odham village life. Did mission children go to school? What did they eat? How does construction of a traditional O’odham home compare to a mission church built from mud? Learn why, when, where and how, as you tour the park’s orchard, garden, and church with a ranger. Students will practice using a traditional mano and metate and learn how to “mud” an O’odham home.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Exploring the Anza Trail
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Welcome to Exploring the Anza Trail, an interdisciplinary program specifically designed for 3rd and 4th grade students. Through a series of hands-on activities, writing and drawing assignments, and a dramatic 50-minute presentation, students put themselves in the shoes of a colonist on the Anza Trail to explore the universal concepts of overcoming obstacles, using resources, and seeking a better life.
Superhero Species
Ladders for Success
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Your 4th graders will learn about the number of family members and community members it took to farm, get water, chop and deliver wood for the fire pits and other daily tasks. They will discuss the labor intensive chore of making a ladder, and then make their own mini version to see how it was done.
Current Events – Uranium Mining
Critical Source Evaluation
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade

National parks are valuable repositories of information including subject matter experts, photographs, and tangible objects. One of the founding principles of national parks is that this primary source information be preserved so that people may learn from it in the future. Students today may take advantage of this opportunity both in person and online.
The FIRST Field Trip to Tonto National Monument
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Students will be able to state the differences between primary and secondary sources; students will be able to give examples of each type of source. After reading a primary source, students will be able to retell the story of the first field trip to Tonto National Monument.
- Type: Lesson Plan
- Grade Levels: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade

Guiding Questions: What is stratigraphy? What is the law of superposition? How can archaeologists study stratigraphy to determine the age of archaeological objects? Students will: Explain what stratigraphy is. Describe the law of superposition. Understand how stratigraphy can be used to determine the age of archaeological objects.