Field Trips

River Ramble

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
State Standards:
4.L4U1.11, 4-LS1-1, 4L.3, 4.RL.2, 4.RL.4, 4.W.4, 4.SL.1, 4.SP1.2, 4.SP1.3, 4G2.1, 4.H1.1

  • Grade Levels: Fourth
  • Subject(s): Science, History and Social Studies, Language Arts
This exploratory river walk provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with the common mammals, birds, and plants of the Santa Cruz River valley ecosystem. Students will learn about predator/prey relationships and observe where animals and birds make their homes.This program will also touch upon the importance of river corridors as locations for traditional O’odham villages, and learn about the plants that were used for clothing, tools, and food.Learning will involve inquiry, sensory activities, and language arts.

Last updated: January 6, 2023