Last updated: March 8, 2019
Lesson Plan
Ladders for Success

- Grade Level:
- Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
- Subject:
- Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- Arizona State Standards
Social Studies 4th Grade.
American History
Strand 1 Concept
1 PO 4
Strand 1 Concept
2 PO1,2,3
Strand 4 Concept
2 PO1, Concept 4
PO3, Concept 5
Essential Question
How do you rely on your family and community?
Survival of the Sinagua Culture depended on communities of people working together as a team to accomplish everyday tasks.
Ranger Instructions and Preparations: The day before or one hour prior to tour: Prepare one zip lock bag per student attending. Contents of bag should include two pipe cleaners that are cut to 4 1/4 inches long for vertical and one pipe cleaner cut to 3 inches long for the horizontal. Note: These lengths can be made out of one pipe cleaner. Cut four strands of yarn or raffia 12 inches long. These strands then will be cut in half. Divide the cut yarn into two groups of four and knot together at one end. This yarn will be Yucca twisted into a rope for tying the rung on the latter. (See attached Yucca twisting instructions) Put pipe cleaners and yarn/raffia into zip lock bag. Each bag will have materials for building a one-rung ladder. Have extra yarn/raffia and pipe cleaner available for students who would like to make a bigger ladder. Setup- 15 minutes prior to arrival: 1. Collect Yucca artifacts and materials: Yucca basket, sandal, mat, rope, demonstration ladder and other available Yucca artifacts. Also include: Sycamore stump and rock ax head. 2. For demonstration: bring four 12 inches strands of raffia to Montezuma Castle National Monument Lesson Plan 2 demonstrate the braiding of Yucca; 3 pipe cleaners (full length) to demonstrate the making of the ladder (2 vertical and one horizontal). 3. Bring 2 tablecloths to put on two large picnic tables in the picnic area. These cloths are needed so ladder project materials will not fall through the top of the table. 4. Bring History Detective Journals and pencils for all students, teachers and volunteers attending. 5. Put tablecloths and other materials into a box and take to the picnic area.
Please see the attached Lesson Plan.