Lesson Plan

Women in Science at Grand Canyon

Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter sit next to each other looking at a book.
Grade Level:
Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
Science,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
L4U1.10, 1.L2U2.7, 1.H4.2, 1.H1.1

Essential Question

How have women shaped what we know about plants at Grand Canyon?


Students will:

Learn about women in science at Grand Canyon

Explore the scientific process

Practice being botanists with plants in their area


  • The Articles and videos 

  • Writing materials 


Lesson Hook/Preview

Inserting image... Image Description: Grand Canyon walls surrounding the Colorado River
Image Credit: NPS

Have students look at this picture of the Grand Canyon, what kinds of living things do they think they could find here?  



Look through the Plants page on Grand Canyon’s website. Have students write observations about the different plants as you look through them.  

Explore and Explain:  

Read the Women in Science at Grand Canyon Page to students in sections.  

After reading the section on Elzada Clover and Lois Jotter, look through this Achieve with images from their trip.  

Ask students how Clover and Jotter made it possible for other women to study Grand Canyon. 

After reading the Pauline Patraw section, show students this image of Patraw’s botanical drawings: 


Image Description: Drawings of cacti, flowers and leaves.
Image Credit: Grand Canyon Muesum Collections

Have students go outside to collect one or two natural items from around their school or home (if this is not possible, bring some leaves in for the students to use in their classroom). 

Have them draw their own botanical drawings like Patraw and write observations.  


After reading the section on Rose E. Collom have students watch this video of women working at the Grand Canyon Nursey and of Women in STEM in the National Park Service.  

Have students write a letter to a woman in their life, in science or not, who inspires them and why.  

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Last updated: February 15, 2022