Last updated: February 15, 2022
Lesson Plan
Japanese Americans at Grand Canyon - Bellboys and WWII Heroes

- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 60 Minutes
- State Standards:
- HS.H3.4, HS.H4.1, HS.H4.4, HS.G2.1, HS.G2.3
Essential Question
What is the true definition of loyalty?
Students will:
Learn about Japanese American Internment
Learn the story of George Murakami at the Grand Canyon and in WWII
Learn about the 442 regiment
Discuss the concept of loyalty
The Articles and videos
Writing materials
Lesson Hook/Preview
Have students discuss the concept of loyalty. It is defined as “a strong feeling of support or allegiance.” Do they agree or disagree with this definition.
Ask students to consider if loyalty is a two-way street. Should someone be loyal without loyalty in return? Why or why not?
Have students discuss their background knowledge on the Japanese American experience through the early and mid-20th century. Make a list of what they already know about this history.
Explore and Explain:
Have students watch this short video on Japanese American Internment and the AVC Tribute Videos: 442nd Regimental Combat Team
Then have students read the article Japanese Americans at Grand Canyon - Bellboys and WWII Heroes.
Have students answer the following questions:
At what times did George Murakami show loyalty in his life? To whom?
Was George Murakami shown loyalty back? When yes, when no?
Have students discuss and then write a short answer on the following question:
Should loyalty be conditional? On what?