Lesson Plan

The Harvey Girls – Increasing Opportunity

Fred Harvey General Manager Victor Patrosso with group of 20 El Tovar Harvey Girls in evening uniform.
Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
HS.H4.1, HS.H4.4, HS.H3.4, HS.H4.1

Essential Question

How can expanding opportunity for individuals push society forward?


Students will:

Learn about The Harvey Girls at the Grand Canyon

Learn about how WWII brought women of color into the Harvey Girls workforce

Create an outline for an interview for a Harvey Girl


  • The Articles and videos 

  • Writing materials 


Lesson Hook/Preview

Have students answer the following questions as short answer responses to access their background knowledge: 

  1. What were the consequences of the Great Depression on different people? On women? On people of color? 

  1. What were the employment opportunities for different people in the 1930s and 1940s? For women? For people of color? 

  1. How did WWII change these employment opportunities? 

Discuss the answers with students to see what they already know and to share their knowledge with other students.  



Have students write a story about the following prompt: 

You live in a small community and you have never left home. You need to work and you hear about the opportunity to work out west with the Fred Harvey Company as a waitress. You get a ride with a neighbor to the closest train station, and you get on the train. How are you feeling? What is your experience on the train? 

Explore and Explain:  

Have students watch the Setting the Standard Video Series

Then have students read the Harvey Girls article.  


Have students continue their story. They have now arrived at the Grand Canyon, now have them write about their experience working at the Grand Canyon.  

Have students peer review their stories and talk to their classmates about the perspective they utilized in their writing.  

Final discussion:

Have students form small groups to discuss the societal importance of the following quote: 

Zada Sharon said, “I’m glad I was a Harvey Girl. The most important thing in the whole story of the Harvey Girls is the fact it gave woman a chance to move out of the lives they were locked into and to be able to be a bit adventuresome.” 


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Last updated: February 24, 2022