Last updated: February 23, 2022
Lesson Plan
Revolutionizing the River - Down the Colorado River Through Grand Canyon

- Grade Level:
- High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
- Subject:
- Social Studies
- Lesson Duration:
- 90 Minutes
- State Standards:
- HS.H4.1, HS.H4.4, HS.G2.1, HS.G2.3, HS.G2.4
Essential Question
How do people create change for their communities?
Students will:
Learn about the modern history of tourism on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
Discuss the way different communities pioneered and created representation in this field and in their communities
Write and discuss the value of representation in the outdoors
The Articles and videos
Writing materials
Lesson Hook/Preview
Have students very briefly explore this webpage on early explorers in the Grand Canyon. Have students discuss the following questions:
Who is represented on this page? Whose stories are being told?
Whose stories are missing from this page?
What does the word representation mean? Why do we talk about this concept?
Have students think about their experiences in the outdoors. Do they feel safe in the outdoors? Do they often see other people like them in the outdoors?
Explore and Explain:
Have students read the “Revolutionizing the River” article.
Have students follow up with -
Clip One and Clip Two of Georgie White from the Grand Canyon National Museum Collection.
This interview with Hanns Ebensten.
This article with video from the Grand Canyon Trust with Nikki Cooley
This article about James Edward Mills and his experience in Grand Canyon.
Have students break off into four groups and assign each group one of the four people listed above. Have them discuss the following prompts to then share out with the group:
What was this person’s introduction to the Colorado River?
How did this person make an impact on Grand Canyon National Park and outside the park?
How does this impact reach beyond the person themselves?
Have students listen to this 43 minute Longing and Belonging podcast (second from the bottom on the page)
Have students share out their first impressions of the podcast. Now have students look back at the webpage on early explorers in the Grand Canyon. Ask students if they perceive this page differently now then when they first looked at the page. Have students write a reflection on whether they experienced a change or not and why.