Lesson Plan

Events That Led up to the Revolutionary War

Grade Level:
Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
CCR Anchor Standard RL.10 – Read and understand complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently, connecting prior knowledge and experiences to text.

Essential Question

How did a tax on sugar, stamps and quartering the British army led to a Revolutionary War?


Students will learn about events leading to the Revolutionary War and the Battle of Cowpens, students will create a GarageBand project about leading events-Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Tea Act, Quartering Act, Townsend Acts.


Materials to have on hand: iPad, GarageBand app, access to internet, list of events leading to Revolutionary War, NCWISEOWL

I would have different items such as molasses and sugary items that students enjoy, newspaper, magazines and books. I would also have a list of expenses incurred by the British troops and take a vote from students to see if they would be willing to pay extra taxes for these items.


Lesson Hook/Preview

Students will build a better understanding of events that led to the Revolutionary War, by researching, discussing with their peers and creating a project about the events.



  • How would you like to be taxed on sugar, have a measure levied on newspapers printed in the colony, and on special documents used in business? How would you like to pay a portion of expenses incurred by British Troops?
  • (I would have different items such as molasses and sugary items that students enjoy, newspaper, magazines and books. I would also have a list of expenses incurred by the British troops and take a vote from students to see if they would be willing to pay extra taxes for these items.)

  • Students will engage with items sitting on their table, example-bag of sugar, tea, newspapers, magazines. Students will discuss with a small group about whether they would be willing to pay taxes on these items, and if not brainstorm and create a thinking map on how these issues could be resolved without going to war.
  • Students will focus on the question, what events led to the Revolutionary War?

  • Students will be given a list of events that led to the Revolutionary War, they will create a chart listing the event-explanation of event-date of event.
  • Students will take information from their chart to create a GarageBand podcast about the events that led up to the Revolutionary War (If students do not have access to GarageBand they can choose to record a podcast using another type of technology.)

  • Students will build a better understanding of events that led to the Revolutionary War, by researching, discussing with their peers and creating a project about the events.

  • Students will be assessed and evaluated based on the work created during the lesson.


Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Tea Act, Quartering Act, Townsend Act

Please go to https://school.eb.com/levels/elementary.
Or go to NCWISEOWL.org and go to elementary Britannica.
Define the above terms that led to the Revolutionary War.


Assessment Materials

GarageBand Assignment

Create a podcast about one of the items that led to the Revolutionary War.
Add music to your podcast (make sure everyone can hear the words on your podcast)
You will share your podcast with at least 3 other people.

Supports for Struggling Learners

Differentiation strategies to meet diverse learner needs: Students receive information orally, visually and written. Students can work with a partner to create project.

Contact Information

Email us about this lesson plan

Last updated: September 25, 2019