Lesson Plan

Boy, What a Day! January 17, 1781

Grade Level:
Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
Literacy and Language Arts,Social Studies
Lesson Duration:
60 Minutes
State Standards:
SC 8th grade Social Studies

State Standards 8.2CC, 8.2CO, 8.2E
Additional Standards:
Communication 8.1
Writing 8.1
Historical Reading 8.1
Reading 8.1
Thinking Skills:
Remembering: Recalling or recognizing information ideas, and principles. Understanding: Understand the main idea of material heard, viewed, or read. Interpret or summarize the ideas in own words. Applying: Apply an abstract idea in a concrete situation to solve a problem or relate it to a prior experience. Analyzing: Break down a concept or idea into parts and show the relationships among the parts. Creating: Bring together parts (elements, compounds) of knowledge to form a whole and build relationships for NEW situations. Evaluating: Make informed judgements about the value of ideas or materials. Use standards and criteria to support opinions and views.

Essential Question

How can students use journaling to understand and demonstrate their knowledge of what took place at the Battle of Cowpens from varying viewpoints?


Correctly document the events that take place in the life of a member of the military on January 1th, 1781 at the Battle of Cowpens.


Cowpens is the location of the battle between Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and Lt. Colonel Banastre Tarleton’s British Legion on January 17, 1781. Cowpens is known as the turning point of the revolution in the South because the British turned their attention south in the hopes of benefiting from the number of loyalists in the area. The victory, which was one with a misunderstanding of retreat which led to a battle-winning double envelopment, would set in motion a chain of events that would lead to a patriot victory at Yorktown.


Teacher will have students create their own journal and decorate the front.


Lesson Hook/Preview

Youtube Diary


Kids document the day in the life at Cowpens as the character of their choice- calling into play all that they have learned about the Battle of Cowpens.


British legion
Double envelopment

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Last updated: September 27, 2019