Distance Learning

Crusade for Peace: Eisenhower and the Korean War (Virtual Program)

Grade Level:
High School: Ninth Grade through Twelfth Grade
Social Studies
State Standards:
Pennsylvania State Standards 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4

“This presentation was rich with valuable primary sources and helped students come to their own understanding through analyzing pictures and documents.”
-Educator feedback on this program

When Dwight Eisenhower ran for president in 1952, the United States was embroiled in the Korean War. Eisenhower pledged, if elected, he would go to Korea and find a way to bring the fighting to an end, calling his mission a “crusade for peace.” This program will utilize primary sources such as speeches, historic photographs, and special artifacts in the Eisenhower NHS Museum collection to examine Eisenhower’s dedication to peace in his first year as president.


The Korean War was a major conflict that took place between 1950 and 1953. A soldier all his life, Dwight Eisenhower ran for president and sought to end the Korean War because he knew the cost of war and was dedicated to seeking peace. Using primary sources such as pictures, documents, and artifacts, we will examine Dwight Eisenhower and the Korean War. 

Essential Questions

  • What was the Korean War?
  • Who was Dwight Eisenhower?
  • What role did Dwight Eisenhower play in the Korean War?

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • Explain the causes of the Korean War and understand the major countries involved.
  • Contextualize Dwight Eisenhower's 1952 presidential campaign and his trip to Korea that December.
  • Examine the outcome of the Korean War and understand why the conflict ended the way that it did.
  • Analyze Dwight Eisenhower and what he valued as a leader.

Program Length

This program lasts 40-60 minutes.

How to Book

This program is free of charge. Email us at eise_education@nps.gov to set up this virtual program for your class. When contacting us, please provide the following:

  • Name of your school
  • Grade level of your students
  • Approximately number of students
  • What virtual program platform do you prefer (We use Microsoft Teams)
  • Please provide suggested dates for scheduling the program

Program Resources and Materials

We suggest sharing these virtual resources with your students in advance of this program to familiarize them with the content the program will cover. These also provide great opportunities to explore the story further. 

Why did Dwight Eisenhower go to Korea? Explore in this web article.

Discover artifacts related to the Korean War on display in the Eisenhower home at Eisenhower NHS.

See pictures of the actual parka that President-elect Eisenhower wore in Korea in December 1952, as well as drafts of his official statement to the press when he returned to the United States.

Learn about Corporal James Murray, one of the soldiers who President-elect Eisenhower met in Korea. Discover why Murray's story was so important to Dwight Eisenhower. 

Listen to Korean War veteran Richard Witham share his memories and photographs of his service in Korea in this video. 


Last updated: March 5, 2025