Podcast | Global Connections
How America's "Best Idea" Went Global
The idea of national parks, which historian Wallace Stegner called "the best idea we ever had," is also one of America's most influential exports! Jon Putnam from the National Park Service's Office of International Affairs discusses why with hosts Bissmeyer and Gjesfjeld as he talks about the agency's global connections in science. This episode first aired in the summer 2022 issue of Park Science magazine as part of the retired "Park Science Celebrates!" podcast series (22 minutes).
By Kass Bissmeyer and Cortney Gjesfjeld

Podcast | Connections
Tuning in to Science: How to Reach Remote Communities through Radio
In vast, rural areas of the Southwest, where there’s no phone service or internet, radio rules. Science communicator Christopher Calvo, former host of “This Is the Colorado Plateau,” tells how community radio helped him share science over the airwaves (18 minutes).
By Christopher Calvo
Image (exclusive of podcast logo) © Christopher Calvo. Used by permission.

Podcast | Birds
Mosquitoes Are Key to Hawaiian Honeycreeper Survival
Birds Not Mosquitoes project partners Chris Farmer, Luka Zavas, and Ryan Monello discuss a modern mosquito-control technique to save Hawaii’s forest birds from imminent extinction. This project is the first time this technique has been used to protect animals (23 minutes).
By Jeri Stoller
Image credit: NPS

Podcast | Coasts
Swept Away
Barrier islands move constantly, but people build houses on them anyway. Cape Hatteras superintendent-scientist Dave Hallac tells us why good data can only do so much (18 minutes).
By Brooke Bauman
Image credit: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / Mark Bias

Podcast | National Natural Landmarks
A Landmark Program Celebrates a Milestone
The National Natural Landmarks Program celebrates its 60th anniversary! Hear from program managers Heather Eggleston, Laurie Lee Jenkins, and Deb DiQuinzio how this program works to promote the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail and other amazing places (18 minutes).
By Kass Bissmeyer and Sarah Sparhawk
Image credit: NPS
Last updated: January 15, 2025