Other NPS Science Websites

Other Magazines

Alaska Park Science

Alaska Park Science is an award-winning journal published by the National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office. The journal reports information from ongoing and recently completed research in and around Alaska’s national park lands.

Intermountain Park Science **NEW**

Intermountain Park Science is an online journal published by the National Park Service regional office in Denver, Colorado, Regions 6, 7, and 8. The journal reports on research and resource management projects in national park units in 8 states: Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and Wyoming.

Yellowstone Science

Yellowstone Science shares information from scientists and researchers with the public to highlight in-depth, science-based knowledge about the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Other Science-Related NPS Sites

NPS Explore Nature Science and Research Site

A portal to several other NPS natural and social science sites.

NPS Science Subject Site

Explore the National Park Service's Science subject site to learn how NPS scientists gather scientific information. You can also search for scientific reports and data, ways to conduct research in parks, opportunities to get involved, research news, and science stories.

Social Media

Explore Nature on Facebook

Explore Nature on Twitter

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Explore Nature on YouTube

Last updated: December 31, 2022