The NPS Graphic Identity Program develops graphic standards that guide the design of a broad range of communication media within NPS. This website provides tools and guidelines to help all of us achieve a more consistent approach to the design of our visual communications. The links below are available to DOI employees only. Your NPS contact will provide files upon approved use.
For more information please contact us.

Arrowhead Artwork
The most notable example of NPS graphic design is its arrowhead logo. Along with the ranger uniform, the arrowhead is the principal means by which the NPS is identified by the public. Use of the NPS Arrowhead symbol is controlled by law, regulation, and policy. Electronic files of the symbol provided on this website are intended for internal agency use only, for plaques, gifts, awards, business cards, publications, signs, exhibits, conferences and special events, and similar official NPS uses. Download arrowhead graphic files.

National Park Service Typefaces
Typography is an important component of the NPS graphic identity standards. The standards specify two typefaces: NPS Rawlinson and Frutiger. NPS Rawlinson is used by the National Park Service under license from its creator, Terminal Design. Frutiger is used under license from Adobe Systems. Download NPS Fonts.

Business Cards
NPS employees are permitted to acquire business cards with appropriated funds by either purchasing them from Envision Print or by printing them in-house using a Government-owned computer, software program, and color printer. Whether you purchase business cards with appropriated funds or print your business cards in-house, business cards must adhere to approved NPS design standards. Learn more about business cards.
National Park Service Style Guides
Harpers Ferry Center follows the Chicago Manual of Style, American Heritage Dictionary, and our own HFC Editorial Style Guide. We are guided by the principles of clarity, simplicity, and nonbiased language.
Learn more about NPS style guides and usage.
Last updated: March 10, 2023