Ride the Rails with the National Park Service
All aboard! Join National Park Service volunteers onboard select Amtrak trains as they share stories about national, state and local parks as well as places of interest along your route. From the comfort of your seat or in the lounge car, Trails & Rails guides are ready to help you connect with the sites and stories you see out the window.
Trails & Rails is proud to continue a historical tradition of bringing trains and people together. The creation of the American railroad system, which provided a newer and faster method of transportation, facilitated the growth of our national parks, as many of our early visitor facilities were built because of their close proximity to newly constructed train stations. More than 100 years later, the Trails & Rails partnership between Amtrak, National Park Service, and Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University continues the tradition of facilitating and expanding the connection of trains, parks and people.