
A donkey steam engine.
Donkey Steam Engine on Hyde Street Pier.

NPS Photo

Donkey Steam Engine

A park ranger turning the handle of a pump on the deck of Balclutha.
Park Ranger David operating the bilge pump onboard Balclutha.

NPS Photo

Historic Bilge Pump on Balclutha Works Again

Two onservators cleaning the Bendixsen drawing
Conservators cleaning the Bendixsen drawing

NPS photo

Preserving Bendixsen Drawings

Workman standing in muddy water looking at an old, wooden boat.
Working on recovering the Charles Hare Lighter.

NPS Photo

Recovering the Charles Hare Lighter


Last updated: January 25, 2016

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

2 Marina Boulevard,
Building E, 2nd Floor

San Francisco, CA 94123


415 561-7100
The public information office is open from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

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