News Release
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Contact: Meg Scheid, 207-454-3871
CALAIS, MAINE – On May 29, 2019, the National Park Service (NPS) announced that Saint Croix Island International Historic Site’s Revised Environmental Assessment/Assessment of Effect for the McGlashan-Nickerson House (Revised EA) was open for public comment until June 28, 2019.
The Revised EA considered feedback received during the previous comment period from the State Historic Preservation Officer, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, community members, and other groups and individuals interested in preserving the house. The revised document also presented a new alternative, negotiated with the consulting parties, to lease the house with an option for demolition if the lease is unsuccessful.
After taking into account feedback received during the public comment period for the Revised EA, the NPS selected the proposed new alternative, “Seek to Preserve McGlashan-Nickerson House through a Lease with the Option to Demolish if Unsuccessful (NPS Preferred Alternative and Proposed Action).” The selected action, described on pages 11 to 13 and illustrated in Figure 7 on page 13 of the Revised EA, can be found on the National Park Service Planning, Environment, and Public Comment (PEPC) website.
On the same website, the public can also find the signed Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), which includes the amended Section 106 Programmatic Agreement.
Under the terms of the Programmatic Agreement, through A Request for Proposals (RFP), the McGlashan-Nickerson House is available for a long-term lease of up to 60 years on favorable terms. The lease will require that the lessee rehabilitate and preserve the building. A lessee must be secured within two years. Should finding a lessee prove unsuccessful, the NPS will move forward with an option to demolish the house. The NPS will announce an RFP later this fall.
The purpose of the Revised EA is to improve resource stewardship and visitor experiences at Saint Croix Island International Historic Site (SACR) by focusing limited NPS resources on protecting the site’s fundamental resources and values. Because the McGlashan-Nickerson House is not a fundamental resource of SACR and because it is no longer necessary for administrative purposes or visitor services, the NPS has declared the house excess to the agency’s needs. The NPS plans to dispose of it in accordance with federal regulations.
For more information on Saint Croix Island International Historic Site, please visit or call 207-454-3871.
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Last updated: October 29, 2019