Citizen Science - Dragonfly Mercury Project

Close up of a dragonfly larva.

The Dragonfly Mercury Project (DMP) is a nationwide study that works with citizen scientists and community volunteers to collect dragonfly larvae for mercury analysis. Mercury is a global pollutant that, in large amounts, can be toxic to humans and wildlife. Knowing the levels of mercury in dragonfly larvae can help the NPS identify hot spots to guide future park research and inform risk communication to protect the public. It can also provide baseline information to measure the effectiveness of mercury reduction policies. Not only that, but the citizen scientists who participate learn more about the natural world!

The mercury which has bioaccumulated in the bodies of the dragonfly nymphs can be used to estimate mercury levels in the lakes and wetlands they are from, as well as fish, if present. Mercury in its methylated form is toxic, and capable of causing reproductive and neurological impairment in both humans and wildlife.

Three citizen scientists attempt to capture dragonfly nymphs with nets along the edge of a lake.
Park staff and volunteers became citizen scientists as they searched for dragonfly nymphs as part of the Dragonfly Mercury Project.

NPS Photo

The DMP utilizes a citizen science framework for monitoring mercury pollution in U.S. national parks using dragonfly larvae as biosentinels. Volunteers work with scientists to collect 10 - 20 larvae (also called nymphs) from lakes, rivers, and wetlands and identify them to the family level. Once each nymph is identified, measured, labeled, and carefully packaged, it is placed in the freezer. Ultimately all samples and data sheets are shipped on dry ice to a United States Geological Survey (USGS) laboratory in Oregon where they are analyzed to determine their mercury content.

More than 90 national parks have participated in the Dragonfly Mercury Project since it began in 2011. The National Park Service's Inventory & Monitoring Network works in partnership with the Dragonfly Mercury Project (DMP) to implement monitoring in several of GLREC's partner parks including:

  • Indiana Dunes National Park
  • Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore
  • Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
  • Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
  • Isle Royale National Lakeshore
  • Grand Portage National Monument
  • Voyageurs National Park
  • Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway
  • Mississppi National RIver and Recreation Area

Discover more about the project at the NPS Dragonfly Mercury Project Citizen Science Page and connect to annual data flyers or dive directly into the DMP Data Dashboard by visiting the Dragonfly Mercury Project Data Visualization Tool.

Last updated: April 18, 2024