
Each year, youth and young adults participating in internships are an integral part of science and service happening in National Parks around the Great Lakes. Internships provide a unique opportunity for young adults up to age 30 and veterans up to age 35 to apply, develop their knowledge and skills, experience the National Parks, find a career, and be a part of the next generation to preserve and protect our public lands and our nation's legacy. Across Great Lakes Parks, there are internships offered directly by the National Park Service OR through opportunities offered by a park in collaboration with local community partners.
Close up of three young women smiling. The woman is wearing a ranger uniform.
Indiana Sustainability Development Program intern, Sarah Miller (left), GLREC Research Coordinator and intern Supervisor, Desi Robertson (center), and Mosaics-in-Science intern, Ansley Watkins (right).

Photo by Sarah Miller

If you are interested in a NPS internship, here are a few things to consider:
  • Internship opportunities will vary by park, internship type, qualifications, requirements, and duration. The types of available internships offered at each Great Lakes Park are always changing in response to the needs of individual parks and available funding.
  • Explore programs advertised and recruited nationally by the National Park Service or in partnership with youth and veteran serving groups at National Park Service's Youth and Young Adult Programs
  • If you are willing and able to travel and relocate, internships can be a great way to explore new parks and opportunities. If you apply for an internship that requires you to temporarily relocate, be sure to open conversations early about the available housing options.
  • If you are looking for opportunities at your local park, there may also be internships that are established with local community partners. Be sure to reach out to your local Great Lakes National Park or the Education Coordinator at the Great Lakes Research and Education Center to find out more.
  • Check social media often. Most parks advertise available internships on their park social media pages including Facebook©, Instagram©, and/or Meta© accounts.
  • Visit the Internship Spotlight to learn about the personal experiences of past interns

Last updated: April 19, 2024