(Egretta thula)
![]() Will Elder, NPS Natural History: This bird sustains itself by feeding on small fish and other small vertebrates as well as invertebrates caught by stalking. It also stirs the mud with its feet to flush out prey. This species is found around both freshwater and brackish habitats. It roosts and nests in colonies in trees near water. General Distribution: In the Presidio, this species can be found near freshwater, saltwater bays, and tidal areas, particularly frequenting Crissy Marsh. Frequency: This bird is common at the Presidio in the fall and spring. Identifying Characteristics: This all white species has a medium long S-shaped neck, black bill with yellow around the eyes, and dark legs with yellow feet. It is smaller than the Great Egret. |
Last updated: February 28, 2015
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