Interested in archeology in the Midwest or cultural resource management on park lands? The Midwest Archeological Center houses several useful resources for researchers and the public.
The Midwest Archeological Center publishes a variety of reports. Some publications are available for general distribution while others may contain sensitive information and are only available for limited release. If you have a research or educational need for any of our publications, please contact the MWAC library.
Most Midwest Archeological Center reports are categorized into one of the following series:
- The Archeological Report Series presents the findings of projects that are limited in scale or duration. Often, these reports discuss specific compliance-related projects or narrowly defined surveys of interest to resource managers or project decision-makers.
- The Technical Report Series includes monographs on survey or excavation projects of topical or regional interest. These reports tend to be narrow in scope with more emphasis on data relating to a single site or project.
- We also produce a Special Report Series, which highlights unique research projects in the Midwest Region.
- Our Occasional Studies Series includes reports of interest to the wider archeological community.
- MWAC Papers includes miscellaneous items not captured within the other categories.

The Midwest Archeological Center library has thousands of reports on archeology in the Midwest region and beyond. Among its holdings are academic journals, state/federal published project reports, and our own MWAC publication series. It serves as a resource for staff archeologists to plan projects and interpret the results of archeological work.The library's primary purpose is research. It is not a lending library in the traditional sense. Federal law restricts the availability of most of the volumes on the shelves. Many are only available to professional archeologists.
However, some of the reports published by MWAC are available to the general public, free of charge. To request an MWAC publication or schedule a visit, please contact us. Requests and visits are scheduled on a case by case basis in keeping with Federal guidelines.
MWAC Library
Midwest Archeological Center100 Centennial Mall North, Room 474
Lincoln, NE 68508
MWAC Library Email
Last updated: May 12, 2022