Midwest Archeological Center |
100 Centennial Mall North, Room 474 |
Lincoln, NE 68508 |

MWAC Library for library and research requests |
Education and Outreach for questions about education or volunteering |
Use the format firstname_lastname@nps.gov to reach staff members. |
Be sure to include information in the subject line and body of your email to make sure we get your message! |
Program Managers
Ann Bauermeister, Center Manager
M.A., Anthropology, University of Nebraska, 2000
Great Lakes archeology, precontact period in the Midwest, geophysical applications to archeology.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Dean, Administrative Officer
Karin Roberts, Archeological Collections Program Manager
M.A., Anthropology, University of Nebraska, 1995; M.A., Museum Studies, University of Nebraska, 1999
Collections management, library.
Anne Vawser, Park Archeology Program Manager
M.A., Anthropology, University of Nebraska, 1988
Plains, Mountains, Rock Art, Predictive Modeling, Spatial Analysis, Information Management.
Archeology and Collections Program Staff
Ashley Barnett, Archeologist
Ph.D., Geography, University of Nebraska, 2013
Cemeteries and gravestones, Great Lakes archeology, osteology, cultural vegetation, forensic archeology, ARPA, landscape archeology, contact period archeology, historical archeology, geophysical applications. Contact for paraprofessional archeology and training. Social media manager.
Austin Butterfield, GIS Specialist
B.S., Geography, University of Nebraska, 2012
Archeological Information Management services, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) services, Cultural Resources Inventory System (CRIS).
Nora Greiman, Museum Curator
M.A., Professional Archaeology, University of Nebraska, 2016
M.A., Anthropology, Tulane University, 2009 Contact for archival collections, loans.
Brooke Mankin, Museum Registrar
MWAC Library for library and research requests
Jacob Moody, Archeologist
M.A., Archaeology, Andrews University, 2015
Plains and Midwest archeology, Ancient Near Eastern archeology, photogrammetry, ceramic analysis, site formation, geophysical survey.
Amanda Renner, Archeologist
M.A., Anthropology, University of Wyoming 2009
GISP Applications of GIS in archeology, predictive modeling, and Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Archeology.
Lisa Stanley, Museum Specialist/Laboratory Manager
B.A., Anthropology, University of Nebraska, 1992
Collections management, Interior Collections Management System (ICMS), 19th-century material culture, historical archeology, precontact midwestern material culture.
David J. Watt, Archeologist
M.A., RPA, Anthropology, Tulane University, 2016
Southeastern and Midwest archeology, Contact Period archeology, geophysical survey, GIS-based spatial analysis and predictive modeling, alluvial landscape survey and settlement strategies.
Andrew Weiland, Archeologist
Ph.D., Anthropology, The Ohio State University, 2019
Paleoethnobotany, human behavioral ecology, Ohio Valley archeology, public archeology.
Adam Wiewel, Archeologist
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Arkansas, 2017
Geophysical survey, UAS-based remote sensing, GIS, spatial and statistical analysis, archeology of the Plains and Midwest, historical archeology. Contact for geophysical surveys.
Rebecca Wiewel, Archeologist
Ph.D., Anthropology, University of Arkansas, 2014
Ceramic analysis and sourcing; precontact archeology of the American Southeast, Midwest, and Plains; post-Mississippian archeology of the Southeast; collaborative archeology; public archeology. Contact for outreach, education, and volunteering.

Last updated: February 24, 2025