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Welcome to the audio-described version of Olympic National Park's official print brochure. Through text and audio descriptions of illustrations and maps, this version interprets the two-sided color brochure that Olympic National Park visitors receive. The brochure explores the three distinct ecosystems found in the park, available services, and information for planning your visit. This audio version lasts about 50 minutes. We have divided it into 22 sections as a way to improve the listening experience. Sections 1 through 7 cover the front of the brochure and include a large collage. Information regarding the three distinct ecosystems found in Olympic is also found on the front of the brochure. Sections 8 through 22 cover the back of the brochure which consists of the large park map, trip planning information, and advice on navigating in and around the park.
Olympic National Park is in Washington State, on a huge peninsula west of Seattle. The park occupies 1,440 square miles at the center of the peninsula and in a strip along the Pacific coast. Olympic is one of more than 400 units in the National Park system. President Theodore Roosevelt set it aside as a national monument in 1909. Almost 30 years later, President Franklin Roosevelt further protected it as Olympic National Park. Today the park is internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site because of its rich natural and cultural resources. DESCRIBING:A colorful, sprawling illustration of various interconnected ecosystems. SYNOPSIS:The "Explore Olympic" illustration presents a comprehensive portrayal of nature, from underwater scenes to forest terrains and mountain landscapes, complete with a diverse array of wildlife. A coastal scene fills the left-hand portion of this illustration, blending to the middle is a glacial mountain scene above a river valley. The river flows left, back into the coast. The right-hand portion is filled by a scene showing old-growth forest. IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION:The lower section of the illustration is titled "Explore Olympic," detailing Coast, Forest, and Mountains. A river mouth area teems with bird species and animals, leading to an ocean with waves breaking on a beach. The beach is littered with massive drift logs, compiled in disarray. Beneath the water surface, starfish, mussels, and sea moss decorate the ocean floor. Two fish swim upstream past birds perched on rocks and logs, to a forest edge where a salamander hides beneath foliage. Nearby, a banana slug creeps over moss next to an orange mushroom. Evergreen trees and blooming flowers rise from the forest floor, their roots visible underground. The river flows from a waterfall from meadows and snow-capped mountains. Diverse species of wildlife inhabit the mountain and river scene, including marmots, birds, deer, and a mountain lion. Elk populate the river banks while grazing in sunlit forest patches. Hikers stand beside a large tree, as an owl and flying squirrel navigate the forest canopy. Snowy peaks descend to open, rolling meadows. A bear ambles among wildflowers in this meadow while ravens soar above. TEXT: Waves boom along wilderness beaches and mix with snow-fed rivers. Ancient trees shelter wildlife. Rugged peaks embrace glaciers and subalpine meadows. Coast, forest, and mountain ecosystems combine to create this spectacular wilderness park. The Olympic Peninsula is home to eight American Indian tribes that developed complex hunter-gatherer societies and continue to keep their traditions alive. European explorers who ventured here in the late 1700s heralded the way for homesteaders. The Olympics were set aside as a national monument in 1909 and further protected as Olympic National Park in 1938. Today the park is internationally recognized as a Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site, testimony to its rich resources. Explore Olympic—a gift to the future.
SYNOPSIS:An illustration of a coastal scene teeming with life. Seabirds soar above the coastline, and animals and people fill the space both in and out of the water. Fish and colorful tidepool creatures linger beneath the surface.
IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION:From the top of the illustration and working down, black and white puffins with orange feet and bills and other sea birds soar over rocky "sea stack" islands just offshore. In the distance, about ten people in a traditional canoe, with its prow carved in the shape of an animal head, paddle toward land. Hikers walk between the water and large drift logs on shore. A seal pops up from the water, and a fuzzy-faced sea otter floats on its back among the kelp, holding a prickly sea urchin between its paws. On shore there is a thick forest of trees with large, rounded burls on their trunks and raccoons in the undergrowth. A brown and white bald eagle perches on a log near the shore. Two silver salmon swim just below the water's surface in the shallows, and further toward land, two other salmon move toward a stream, these ones red with green heads. A black seabird with a bright orange bill pecks at crustaceans on the rock where it perches. In the foreground, below the water's surface, a rocky tidepool is rich in color and life, filled with sea stars, mussels, sea slugs, sea plants, crabs, and anemones. CREDIT:llustration NPS / John Dawson RELATED TEXT:Coast — Tides control the rhythm of life along this biologically diverse coastline. Twice-daily intertidal animals face pounding surf and drying winds. Coastal rivers serve as highways for migrating fish, and downed trees along riverbanks protect young salmon journeying from mountains to sea. When the adults return and swim upstream to spawn, their flesh carries a special form of nitrogen gathered during their years at sea. Most salmon die after spawning, but their death brings life. Bears, eagles, insects, and other animals feed on salmon carcasses, then deposit nutrients in rivers and forests. Marine nitrogen nourishes forest soils—a gift from the salmon.SYNOPSIS:An illustration of tall evergreen trees, teeming with wildlife and plant life. IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION:Tall evergreen trees fill the right hand portion of this illustration. The trees’ rough bark has vertical ridges which contrast with the mostly horizontal branches. Some branches are bare, while others have short, green needles. Reddish-brown shelf fungus grow on the exterior of the frontmost tree. They are rounded in shape and several inches in diameter. The trees are alive with animals. Towards the top is an owl in mid-flight with spread wings, showing its brown and beige markings. The owl’s eyes focus on the ground below. A few feet below the owl is a furry beige flying squirrel, stretching its arms and legs and showing the webbing between the squirrel’s limbs and body. Though the squirrel doesn’t actually fly, the webbing helps it glide through the air. The outstretched squirrel is two thirds the size of the owl’s wingspan. A medium brown squirrel leaps along a log on the ground below. A brown, whiskery mole peeks out from under the log. Nearby are two birds. A small brown bird stands atop a downed log with its beak open. Nearby stands an orange and black bird with white and gray accents. Surrounding these animals is abundant foliage, including light and dark green ferns, brown stalks adorned with dozens of small white flowers, and large green leafy plants with tall stalks of white flowers. In the foreground, at the base of the trees, a yellow banana slug inches by discs of orange fungi, covering decaying soil and roots. Delicate pink and white orchids peek out from under the fungi. Nearby are white flowers topping large, glossy green leaves. A yellow-edged black centipede and a shiny black beetle crawl nearby. Below is a cross-section of the underground displaying multiple curving, beige and light grey roots. Large woody tree roots mingle with small thread-like fungi roots. In the distance, to the right of a large tree trunk are slightly blurred shapes of two people with hats, shirts, shorts, and camera. To the left of this tree trunk is a herd of Roosevelt elk, in shades of beige and brown, with tall antlers. Both the people and the elk are bathed in sunlight. CREDIT:Illustration NPS / John Dawson RELATED TEXT:Forests — Olympic National Park protects the largest old-growth forest in the Pacific Northwest. Its unique character begins with ancient trees that took root 200 to 1,000 years ago. In these forests multi-layered canopies, standing snags, and fallen trunks provide habitat for myriad animals. Differences in moisture (from 40 to 240 inches annually), and changes in elevation (from sea-level to 7,980 feet) create a mosaic of forests in the park. Temperate rain forests grow along the coast and in ocean-facing valleys. Lowland, montane, and subalpine forests cloak other park areas. Olympic supports complex forest communities—a gift from the past. SYNOPSIS:A landscape bustling with diverse wildlife, set against a backdrop of snowcapped mountains and lush vegetation. IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION:At the heart of the illustration are towering, snow-capped mountains beneath a bright blue sky. Clouds adrift in the atmosphere pervade the scene, particularly on the left, where they descend into a fog embracing evergreen trees. Within the clouds, two majestic black ravens maneuver gracefully. The lower section of the image showcases a lively forest scene. A black-and-white woodpecker adorned with a red head swoops through the evergreen canopy. On a rocky peak, a vigilant marmot gazes over the valley. Below, a black bear ambles amidst delicate avalanche lilies, each with six white petals. The grassy expanse behind the bear stretches deeper into the verdant valley.
RELATED TEXT:Mountains. A world of landscapes unfolds here: glaciers chisel U-shaped valleys, and brilliantly colored wildflowers blanket subalpine meadows. Geologists still debate the origins of the Olympics. Some 50 million years ago lava gushed from underwater rips in the edge of the continent, hardening into miles-thick layers of basalt. Later an immense submerged delta of sandstone and shale formed farther out in the ocean. These layered rocks slowly rode back to the continent and jammed beneath the basalts, forcing the Olympics to rise from the sea 10 to 20 million years ago. Ice-age glaciers helped carve the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound, separating the Olympics from nearby lands. Years of isolation nurtured the rich biodiversity of the Peninsula, where over 20 plants and animals are found nowhere else on Earth. The rugged Olympic Mountains - a gift from the sea. TEXT: The back side of the brochure is almost completely occupied by the park map. There is a legend at the bottom left corner of the brochure that corresponds to the large park map. There is text above the main map that covers trip planning information. To the right of the trip planning information lies a small map that shows the larger region surrounding the park. Surrounding this smaller map is some information on getting around the park. There is also an excerpt covering wilderness on the Olympic Peninsula at the bottom right corner of the brochure. These elements are described in greater detail in MAP: Olympic National Park and MAP: Olympic National Park in Regional Context, as well as text elements.
Summary OverviewThe park covers most of the interior land of the Olympic Peninsula, and U.S. Highway 101 wraps around the outside of the park. From Highway 101, several roads lead in toward various destinations inside the park, like spokes coming off of a wheel, but these roads do not meet each other or cross the middle. They terminate within the park. Because the interior of the park is undeveloped mountain wilderness, no roads reach all the way across it. This map is oriented with the North toward the top of the map, South to the bottom, East to the right, and West to the left. A key in the lower left hand corner includes icons for Ranger Stations, campgrounds, and primitive campgrounds. The campgrounds are color-coded in green to indicate if they are summer only, or black to indicate if they are open year-round. Icons are also included for self-guiding trails, wheelchair accessibility, boat launches, picnic areas, lodges, and food service. Overall topography and regionsThe Olympic Peninsula has a roughly triangular shape. It is bordered on the West by the Pacific Ocean (which includes the Olympic Coast National Marine sanctuary), on the North by the Strait of Juan De Fuca, and continues into the greater Washington landmass to the East and South. The center of the Peninsula is dominated by an area demarcated in green, labeled “Daniel J Evans Wilderness, Olympic National Park”. The irregular green area covers about 60% of the visible land, and spans nearly 1 million acres. Other areas are labeled as wilderness, forests, towns, and reservations. Further below this section are more detailed lists of Major Highways, Ranger Stations and Visitor Centers, and Bodies of Water. Along the western coast of the Peninsula, starting at the northwest point of Cape Flattery, is a small area labeled Makah Indian Reservation in beige. Continuing southward along the coastline, a 73-mile strip of coastal land is labeled Olympic National Park. This strip comprises the majority of the western coastline, and includes Ozette lake near the north end, dozens of beaches, and campsites. Tiny areas for the Quileute Indian Reservation and Hoh Indian Reservation supplant the Olympic National Park at the river outlets for the Quillayute River and the Hoh River, respectively. The National Park’s coastal strip ends when it abuts the much larger Quinalt Indian Reservation to the South. The Quinalt Reservation stretches a third of the way through the Peninsula’s land mass to the east, where it borders the Colonel Bob wilderness. The Reservation’s northern border meets with the Queets river which is marked as part of the main body of the Olympic National Park. The northern coastline along the Strait of Juan de Fuca includes part of the Makah Indian Reservation at its westernmost point, followed by a massive sand-colored area of unmarked land. This continues eastward about ten miles until Slip Point in Clallam Bay, and then another five miles to Pillar Point County Park. Ten miles east is Salt Creek County Park near Tongue Point, the Freshwater Bay County Park, and a tiny beige area for the Lower Elwha Klallam Indian Reservation at Angeles point. A small yellow area just to the east is marked Port Angeles, which includes Park Headquarters and the Olympic National Park Visitor Center within its area. The Ediz Hook is a thin line of land which partially encloses the Port Angeles Harbor at the coastline of Port Angeles. Ten miles further to the east, the Dungeness Spit similarly encloses Dungeness Bay, near the Dungeness Recreation Area. Along the easternmost edge of the map, the northern coastline ends with yellow areas for the towns of Sequim and Port Townsend, and the small inlets Sequim Bay and Discovery Bay. The main body of the Olympic National Park area is featured prominently in the center of the map, forming an irregular shape with small arms that branch out along rivers. At its heart is Mount Olympus, with its western peak labeled as 7980 feet (2432 meters). Smaller mountains include Pelton Peak to the southwest (5301 feet, 1616 meters), Mount Queets to the southeast (6480 feet, 1975 meters), and Mount Dana to the east (6209 feet, 1893 meters). A smattering of a dozen other mountains surround Mount Olympus. The majority of visitors centers and campgrounds are clustered along the northern edges of the Park, with a handful of others scattered along the south and west. These are listed in detail in a later section. The irregular northern edge of the park, set about five miles inward from the coastline, extends to include Lake Crescent near the northwest. Tendril-like arms extend outward from the central body of the park in other areas, following rivers toward the coastlines. To the west, a broad 3-mile band envelops the Bogachiel River and the South Fork Calawah River. The Park area halts halfway to the coastline, but a large swathe to the North and West is labeled Olympic National Forest in Yellow. Another tendril extends to the Southwest along the Queets River, along a narrow strip of land bordering the riverbank. This area ends just short of the coastline when it meets the Quinault Indian Reservation. A final, wide tendril extends to the south, running southwest along Finlay Creek and the Quinault River. It ends at the eastern edge of the Quinault Indian Reservation. The southern edge of the Park is bordered by the Wonder Mountain Wilderness and Olympic National Forest. Along its eastern edge, from North to South, are large areas for the Buckhorn Wilderness, The Brothers Wilderness, and Mount Skokomish Wilderness, all of which are within the borders of the Olympic National Forest. Major highwaysU.S. Highway 101 runs around the entire park, looping through the Peninsula. It connects to several smaller roads that run inward toward the center of the park, without ever crossing its center. U.S. Highway 101 enters the map from the South, near the Southeastern corner. A navigation point reads “To Olympia, Tacoma, and Seattle”. U.S. 101 immediately forks with State Route 119, which meanders northwest along Lake Cushman, and terminates at the Staircase Ranger Station. U.S. 101 continues northeast along the Hood Canal, with four other county roads forking to the west toward the park, approximately every five miles: 2480, 2510, 2610, and 27. Near the Northeastern corner of the map, U.S. 101 forks east into State Route 104, with the navigation point “To Seattle via Ferry”. When it meets Discovery Bay along the Northern Coastline, State Route 20 forks northeast toward Port Townsend ten miles away. U.S. Highway 101 then curves westward to roughly follow the northern coastline. It rounds Sequim Bay before it cuts through the yellow area for the town of Sequim. After 20 miles, it reaches the Olympic National Park Visitor Center centered on the northern border of Olympic National Park in Port Angeles. As U.S. 101 continues westward, it forks with State Route 112, which hugs the coastline to continue all the way toward Cape Flattery at the northwestern corner of the Peninsula. U.S. 101 cuts westward, more inland, and dips into the Olympic National Park boundary along the southern shore of Lake Crescent. Several campgrounds and boat launch points are dotted around Lake Crescent. U.S. 101 leaves the park boundary to continue westward through about five miles of Olympic national forest, followed by five miles of unlabeled beige area. It then meets Lake Pleasant and Lake Pleasant County Park, where it curves southward along the Sol Duc Valley. After ten miles, it enters the yellow area for the town of Forks, where two other roads split off: County Road 29, which heads eastward toward the Olympic National Park, and State Route 110, which runs west into the Quileute Indian Reservation on the Western Coast. As U.S. 101 continues southward, set about 20 miles inland from the western coast, it suddenly veers westward to follow the Hoh river. When it meets Ruby Beach near the Hoh Indian Reservation, it enters the coastal park boundary and follows the western coastline southward. When it enters the northern border of the Quinault Indian Reservation, It curves eastward after crossing the Queets River. U.S. Highway 101 then continues southeast through the Quinault Indian Reservation. After ten miles, County Road 21 splits off to the north, before changing into County Road 2180 and terminating at the Queets River. U.S. 101 continues southeast for five more miles until it reaches Amanda Park at Lake Quinault. South Shore Road and North Shore Road split off to run along the Southern and Northern shores of the lake. After it leaves the Quinault Indian Reservation, U.S. 101 curves south off the lower edge of the map. A navigation point reads “To Aberdeen”. Visitor Centers & Ranger StationsIn a roughly clockwise motion, starting in the northeastern corner of the map.
Bodies of WaterIn a roughly clockwise motion, starting in the northeastern corner of the map. Bodies of water outside of Olympic National Park:
Bodies of water within Olympic National Park:
INSET MAP Located at the upper right-hand corner of the park map is a small map, two inches high and three inches wide, showing the Park’s location within the general region of the state of Washington. The map is oriented with north at the top, south at the bottom, west to the left, and east to the right. The scale of miles is one-quarter inch to ten miles. The irregularly shaped Park consists of two regions; a large, square-like area and a skinny area on the coast. Both are highlighted in light green with key landmarks noted in dark green lettering. Key landmarks in the large area include, starting at the top and continuing clockwise: Elwha at the top, Hurricane Ridge, Deer Park, Dosewallips, Staircase at the bottom, Quinault Rain Forest, Hoh Rain Forest, and Sol Duc near the top. This larger area is not connected to the much smaller area, which runs narrowly along the coast. Key landmarks here are, north to south, Ozette, Mora, and Kalaloch. For a concept of distance, Kalaloch at the south is 33 miles, or a 45 minute drive, from the Quinault Rain Forest, the southernmost landmark in the main park. The Park sits in the upper west peninsula of Washington, with the non-park land area colored in light beige. The peninsula is flanked three sides by water: on the west by the Pacific Ocean, to the north by the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the U.S Canadian border, and to the east by Puget Sound. All waterways are light blue with dark blue lettering. U.S. Highway 101 snakes around the Park. It is the access route between the two park areas. This highway and other routes, including Interstate 5, U. S. Highway 12, and State Highways 8 and 108 are reddish brown. The map includes key cities, with black lettering. These are Hoodsport at the southeast, Forks at the northwest between the two park areas, and Port Angeles at the north. Highway 101 links these cities. East of the park, across Puget Sound, is Sea-Tac Airport, between the cities of Tacoma to the south and Seattle to the north, all connected by Interstate 5. The city of Olympia sits at the junction of Interstate 5 and U.S. Highway 101.
TEXT: Are you here for a day? A week? Maybe you’ve come to this wilderness park to stroll the rain forest with its massive trees, lush vegetation, and Roosevelt elk. Maybe you plan to hike in the mountains amid Olympic marmots and magenta paintbrush. Perhaps you are headed for the ocean to see tidepools with intriguing creatures, marvel at arches and sea stacks, and explore the beaches. Even if you have plans already, stop at a visitor center or ranger station. You will find information that can help make your day or your week at Olympic National Park even better.
TEXT: Visitor Centers Here you can find information, exhibits, publications, movies, and maps. Olympic National Park, Hurricane Ridge, and Hoh Rain Forest visitor centers are open in summer; hours and staffing are limited in other seasons. Ranger and information station hours vary seasonally. The free park newspaper Bugler has articles on safety, research, and activities. Service animals are welcome. Wilderness Information Center (WIC) Contact WIC for wilderness trip planning, trail and weather reports, safety and Leave No Trace tips, reservations, permits, maps, and approved bear canisters: Wilderness Information Center 3002 Mount Angeles Rd. Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-565-3100 olym_wic@nps.gov TEXT: Fees Entrance, camping, overnight wilderness use, and other fees are collected in the national park. Additional fees may apply on surrounding public and tribal lands. Lodging, Supplies, Services Inside the park most lodging, supplies, and services are available seasonally. Outside they are available year-round. Camping Most campsites are available first-come, first-served. Fees vary. Some campgrounds are open year-round. You can reserve sites at Kalaloch and Sol Duc campgrounds in summer at www.recreation.gov or call 877-444-6777. Accessibility We strive to make our facilities, services, and programs accessible to all. For information go to a visitor center, ask a ranger, call, or check our website. TEXT: Keep Wildlife Wild! Animals here are wild and can be dangerous—remain at least 150 feet away and never try to feed them. Cougars are rarely seen; if you meet one pick up small children, wave your arms, and shout. Give bears a wide berth and let them move away. Report all bear or cougar sightings. Keep a clean camp. Store food, garbage, and toiletries properly. Obtain approved bear canisters at the WIC or some ranger stations. Safety and Regulations • Check park bulletin boards, newspapers, and handouts or ask a ranger about safety and regulations. • Be prepared for rain and sudden weather changes; roads may close. • Stay on trails; shortcuts cause erosion. • Put out campfires completely. • Pets must be leashed and are restricted to designated areas. • Vehicles are not allowed off park roads. • Use caution on the beaches. Boardwalks and rocks can be slippery. Logs in the surf can be deadly. • Walk gently in the rocky intertidal areas where plants and animals live. • Stay back from cliff edges; they may be undercut— a fall could be fatal. • Do not disturb or remove plants, tree bark, driftwood, artifacts, or animals, including those in tide pools. Federal law protects natural and cultural features. • For firearms regulations check the park website. • Possession or use of marijuana in the park is illegal. TEXT: No roads go through the park so allow plenty of travel time between these popular sites. Use these maps and the time/distance chart to plan your visit. Coastal — Ozette offers hikes to wilderness beaches and views of the third largest lake in Washington. Mora has beach hikes to arches and sea stacks. Kalaloch features sandy beaches, tide pools, and coastal forests. Forests and Big Trees — Experience the park’s forests at Elwha, Sol Duc, Dosewallips, and Staircase and rain forests of Hoh and Quinault. Several park trees hold records for their size. Mountains and Glaciers — Hurricane Ridge (5,242 feet/1,599 meters) offers views of Mount Olympus, glaciers, and the wilderness. Look for black-tailed deer in subalpine meadows. DESCRIBING: A small horizontal table, embedded in the larger map SYNOPSIS: Labeled "Approximate Travel Times and Miles, the table lists pairs of locations and the time and distance to drive between them." IN-DEPTH DESCRIPTION: The locations listed appear in the small inset regional map above the table, from the Seattle area in the east to locations around the Olympic Peninsula all the way west to the Pacific Coast. The times and mileages range from 33 miles and 45 minutes to 130 miles and 3 hours. RELATED TEXT: Approximate Travel Times and Miles Port Angeles to Hurricane Ridge: 45 minutes. 17 miles. Port Angeles to Staircase: 3 hours. 100 miles. Port Angeles to Ozette: 2 and one half hours. 88 miles. Port Angeles to Forks: 1 and one half hours. 59 miles. Forks to Hoh Rain Forest: 1 hour. 32 miles. Forks to Kalaloch: 1 hour. 36 miles. Kalaloch to Quinault Rain Forest: 45 minutes. 33 miles. TEXT: Nearly one million acres on the Olympic Peninsula are protected as wilderness — 95 percent of Olympic National Park, five areas in Olympic National Forest, and over 600 islands in national wildlife refuges. Learn more at www.nps.gov/olym. Wilderness forever protects the land’s natural conditions, opportunities for solitude and primitive recreation, and scientific, educational, and historical values. Learn more about the National Wilderness Preservation System at www.wilderness.net. Olympic National Park is one of over 400 parks in the National Park System. Learn more about national parks at www.nps.gov. TEXT: No roads pass through the heart of the Olympics. US 101 provides the main access, with numerous spur roads leading into the park. TEXT: Do not use this map for hiking. Get detailed topographic maps.
Permits required for all overnight wilderness stays. Obtain permits at the Wilderness Information Center (WIC). Call 360-565-3100 or visit the WIC to get Wilderness Trip Planner and more information. Wilderness users should inquire about river and creek ford locations and difficulty in crossing. TEXT: [text in red] Caution: Don’t get trapped by high tides; get current tide chart at a ranger station. When hiking, watch for targets marking overland trails. Target Symbol Description: A circle divided into four equal-sized wedges, two black, two red. [Text in red] Sudden high waves can pick up beach logs and turn them into weapons; they kill. Most reefs, rocks, islets, and islands (except the James Island group) are designated wilderness and national wildlife refuges, CLOSED to visitors to protect wildlife. Boats must remain 200 yards from the islands. Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary covers 3,310 square miles of marine waters. The sanctuary provides habitat for one of the most diverse populations of marine mammals in North America. It is a link in the Pacific flyway and provides critical habitat for nesting and migrating birds. To learn more, visit www.olympiccoast.noaa.gov. There are resources such as information on service animals, accessible facilities, and requesting ASL interpreters at this link to the park website . You can also find information on getting an access pass, which is available free of charge to visitors with permanent disabilities, and detailed descriptions of 20 of the park's most popular trails, written by and for people with disabilities, and featuring factors like slope, trail width, obstacles, and surface type.
Emergencies call 911 More Information Olympic National Park 600 East Park Ave Port Angeles, WA 98362 360-565-3130 360-565-3131 (roads and weather) TTY 800-833-6388 Follow us on social media |
Last updated: March 13, 2025