Draft National Mall Plan filesview of the National Mall looking toward Washington Monumentdonate<empty>

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Draft National Mall Plan/EIS files

Draft National Mall Plan/Environmental Impact Statement document pdf files for download. Please be aware that some of the files are somewhat large and may take some time to download, depending on your connection.

  1. Table of Contents
  2. Summary
  3. Purpose Of and Need for the Plan
  4. Alternatives
  5. The Affected Environment
  6. Environmental Consequences
  7. Consultation and Coordination
  8. Appendixes

  9. Maps
    National Mall Plan Area (1 mb pdf)
    Monumental Core Framework Plan Opportunities (pdf)
    Urban Design Framework (7.6 mb pdf)
    No-Action Alternative — Current Use Map (pdf)
    No-Action Alternative — Existing Conditions (4.6 mb pdf)
    Preferred Alternative — Conservation Zoning (pdf)
    Preferred Alternative (7.7 mb pdf)
    Alternative A — Conservation Zoning (pdf)
    Alternative A (5.2 mb pdf)
    Alternative B — Conservation Zoning
    Alternative B (5.8 mb pdf)
    Alternative C — Conservation Zoning (pdf)
    Alternative C (6.8 mb pdf)
    National Register Historic Districts and Properties (7.2 mb pdf)
    Cultural Landscapes (5.6 mb pdf)
    Important Vistas (2. b mb pdf)
    Permitted Recreation (pdf)
    Recent, Ongoing, and Future Cumulative Projects (pdf)
    Area of Potential Effect (pdf)
    Civic Stage — No-Action Alternative (3 mb pdf)
    Civic Stage — Preferred Alternative (pdf)
    Civic Stage — Alternative A (pdf)
    Civic Stage — Alternative B (3 mb pdf)
    Civic Stage — Alternative C (pdf)
    Circulation — No-Action Alternative (3. 3 pdf)
    Circulation — Preferred Alternative (3.8 mb pdf)
    Circulation — Alternative A (3.3 mb pdf)
    Circulation — Alternative B (3.9 mb pdf)
    Circulation — Alternative C (4 mb pdf)
    Historic Properties, The Mall and Surrounding Areas (pdf)
    Historic Properties, Washington Monument and West Potomac Park/Tidal Basin
    (1 mb pdf)
    Historic Properties, Jefferson Memorial and FDR Memorial/Tidal Basin
    (1 mb pdf)