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Showing 95 results for Submarine ...
Type-C Japanese Midget Submarine
Dr. Margaret "Mom" Chung
- Type: Person
Dr. Margaret “Mom” Chung was the first Chinese American woman to become a physician. She founded one of the first Western medical clinics in San Francisco’s Chinatown in the 1920s. During World War II, she and her widespread network of “adopted sons,” most of them American soldiers, sailors, and airmen who called her “Mom,” became famous. Although she faced prejudice because of her race, gender, and sexuality, Dr. Chung forged a distinctive path throughout her life.
Capt. Cassin Young
Battery Hambright
Fort Baker Fishing Pier
- Type: Place
Fishing and crabbing off the pier at Horseshoe Cove are popular activities year-round. Fort Baker is home to many tasty morsels including salmon and Red and Rock crabs, which migrate from the ocean to the bay to lay their eggs. The young crabs then hide in the rare offshore eel-grass. A fishing license isn't required on the pier, so grab a pole and a buddy and come on down. California Fish and Wildlife regulations are in effect.
- Type: Article
George Washington Birthplace National Monument (GEWA) is located along the tidal reaches of the Potomac River in Westmoreland County, Virginia. The Potomac shoreline delineates the northern boundary of the monument, where three small sub-basins drain into the Potomac. The largest and most significant estuarine resource is Popes Creek, which has restricted flushing with the Potomac and is closely linked to GEWA resources. The monitoring area covers all tidal portions...
Fort Dawes
Irineo Esperancilla
- Type: Person
Irineo worked with Roosevelt for twelve years as steward or valet from 1933 to 1945, attending to the president’s needs onboard the Sequoia and Potomac, the camp at Shangri-La, the White House, and at Hyde Park. He retired from the U.S. Navy in 1955 after 30 years of service under four presidents. Read more...
- Type: Article
- Type: Person
Reginald Fessenden, considered the “Father of Voice Radio”, was a Canadian-born inventor who performed pioneering radio experiments and applied them in ways that are still in use today. In pursuit of a successful system to transmit and receive the human voice using continuous radio waves, Fessenden experimented on Roanoke Island and the surrounding area for eighteen months from 1901-1902.
Fort Wetherill
Sus Picnic Area (West District)
Save America's Treasures Grant - H. L. Hunley Submarine
Controlled Submarine Mines in Boston Harbor
- Type: Article
Facing advances in military technology and weaponry, the US looked to upgrade coastal defense systems around the turn of the 20th century. In many harbors, controlled submarine mines were installed. Learn about the role of the Boston Harbor Islands in monitoring the controlled submarine mine system during the World Wars.
Torpedo Shed
Mi Parque Mi Historia: Xochitl Lopez
- Type: Article
Nos dedicamos a resaltar y compartir el rico trasfondo y las diversas experiencias de algunos de nuestros guardabosques de parques nacionales. Al sumergirnos en sus historias, buscamos proporcionar a nuestra comunidad de visitantes del parque más que solo información; aspiramos a fomentar una comprensión más profunda e inspirar conexiones.
Michael Dunegan
- Type: Person
Michael Dunegan was a sub-contractor when the Allegheny Portage Railroad was being built and later worked at the foot of Inclined Plane No. 5 as a foreman.
Battery Yates
- Type: Place
Compared to other batteries in the region, Battery Yates held relatively small, 3-inch diameter rapid fire rifles, used to protect the bay entrance. In the event of a foreign attack, its guns could fire up to 30 shots per minute at fast moving enemy torpedo boats. During World War II, the guns protected an anti-submarine net that spanned the entrance to the bay.