Visit Los Alamos, New Mexico

A black and white photo of a white building with a big white sign that has black writing that says, "Los Alamos Project Main Gate" A black and white photo of a white building with a big white sign that has black writing that says, "Los Alamos Project Main Gate"

Left image
Los Alamos Project Main Gate during the Manhattan Project.

Right image
A re-creation of the historic security gate is at Main Gate Park today.
Credit: NPS

An image of a tan building with a big tree out front.
Visitor Center & Basic Info

Start your adventure with our visitor center in Los Alamos, NM.

A black and white photo of two older men and two children driving a Jeep.
Directions & Map

Get directions to our visitor center.

A lady in a red coat reads a wayside.
Places to Go

Find out about all the places in Los Alamos with connections to the Manhattan Project including historic sites and museums.

Two people walking a dirt trail.
Things to Do

Explore the Manhattan Project with activities throughout Los Alamos.

People gather outside a window.
US Department of Energy Tours

Learn about the US Department of Energy's guided tours of buildings that predate the Manhattan Project.

A park ranger points out something on a map to a visitor.
Trip Ideas

Learn about trip ideas at Los Alamos that last either half day or all day.

A person climbs up a rustic wooden ladder leaning against rocky terrain.
Nearby Attractions

Explore attractions in the region including state and national parks.

A black and white photo of a bunk house with beds lining the sides of the room.
Eat & Sleep

Find dining and lodging options in and around Los Alamos.


Let our park app be your guide

The NPS app is an explorer's best friend. Find all the places and activities within Los Alamos related to the Manhattan Project. This includes guided tours with the US Department of Energy in Los Alamos. It also includes the many historic sites and educational centers within the community of Los Alamos, which the government planned and operated for the Manhattan Project, and the neighboring community of Santa Fe.


Last updated: July 18, 2024

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Contact Info

Mailing Address:

Manhattan Project National Historical Park
c/o NPS Intermountain Regional Office
P.O. Box 25287

Denver, CO 80225-0287


Hanford: 509.376.1647
Los Alamos: 505.661.6277
Oak Ridge: 865.482.1942

Contact Us
