C&O Canal - Antietam Creek Campground

Basic Information
Image of campground site
Mile 69.4 (Washington County, MD) - The campground has 20 single campsites each with a picnic table, fire ring and grill. Each campsite will accommodate up to eight campers. Pit toilets are located between campsite #6 and campsite #7 adjacent to the towpath. A second set of chemical toilets are available down the towpath. Potable water is along the towpath at pumps (available mid-April to mid-November). No vehicular traffic is allowed on the towpath and access to the campsites is by foot only.
Electric Hookups: 0
RV Only: 0
Tent Only: 20
Walk to/Boat to: 20
Group: 0
Horse: 0
Other: 0

Last updated: October 1, 2021