Cherry Blossoms
View the world famous cherry blossoms at the National Mall and Memorial Parks with a large collection of images.
Experiencing National Parks Th...
The Arts-in the-Parks Photography Program 2021 at President’s Park, introduces youth to the rich history of America through National Parks! This exhibit represents the work of 20 talented high school students with a passion for photography. They were assigned to capture the essence of the National Park Service through their lens.
Prescribed fire in the Nationa...
The National Park Service uses prescribed fire to manage natural and cultural resources in the national capital area.
Frederick Douglass's Home on C...
Frederick Douglass moved into the home with his first wife, Anna Murray Douglass, during the fall of 1878. Following the death of Anna in 1882, Douglass married Helen Pitts in 1884 and resided with her at Cedar Hill until his death on February 20, 1895.
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Clips for use in your video projects.
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Last updated: October 10, 2024