Alerts & Conditions


Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens is open year-round. Check current park hours.

When visiting Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, please keep in mind:

There are no vending services available.

Those who come to visit can take steps to recreate responsibly by:

  • Protecting vegetation and avoiding ticks by staying on established paths.
  • Staying hydrated by bringing your own water and hand sanitizer.
  • Checking the weather conditions and being prepared.

We are excited to welcome you to the gardens!

A male white-tailed deer walks along a path between ponds
As the fall colors arrive and crowds disperse, more wildlife will appear, including white-tailed deer like this buck.

Photo courtesy of Tim Ervin and Lily

Fall at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

The transition from summer to fall at Kenilworth is a sight to behold. The lotus and lilies will continue until the end of September before they fade away and the old lily pads turn brown and disappear. The lotus seed pods will also turn brown and release their seeds to the bottom of the ponds. The seeds will be dormant for the winter.

Fall is an excellent time to see migratory birds flying through the park. Egrets will hang around until late October before they fly south for the winter. As the crowds slow down, it is a great time to see turtles, frogs and snakes before the coming of winter.

Come out and visit Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens soon!

Last updated: September 3, 2024

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1550 Anacostia Ave. NE
Washington, DC 20019


771 208-1571

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