What is a Commercial Use Authorization?A Commercial Use Authorization (CUA) is a business permit with the National Park Service that authorizes an individual, group, company, or other for-profit entity to conduct commercial activities and provide specific visitor services within a national park area. The National Park Service will only issue CUAs for commercial activities and visitor services that:
A CUA may be required if you, as an individual, organization, or company, provide any goods, activities, services, agreements, or other function for members, clients, or the public that:
The following services require CUAs in the National Parks of PhiladelphiaProvide commercial tour services that involve guiding tour groups on park property. This includes offering guided tours on park property, or just escorting individuals or groups from site to site. How do I apply for a CUA?
What are the CUA reporting requirements?CUA holders must submit an annual report via the online CUA system each year by January 31 for the operations that occurred during the preceding year. This report provides the park with visitation statistics, reportable injury data, and a record of annual gross receipts.
Need to contact us?For more information, please contact the Special Park Use Coordinator at (215) 597- 9205 or email at: INDE_Permits@nps.gov.
Last updated: January 3, 2025