Curriculum Materials

Bring Grand Teton National Park to your classroom!

Grand Teton offers a variety of materials for educators to bring relevant lessons from the field into the classroom. These materials may be used to develop stand-alone lessons, in preparation for a field trip, or to reinforce the experiences had on a field trip.

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Showing results 1-8 of 8

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    • Tags: ecology,adaptations,habitat,Survival,lesson plan
    A watercolor painting that is a collage of outlines of trees, a bear, a wolf, an eagle, and an elk.

    Students work collaboratively to create fictitious animals in order to understand adaptations that help wildlife survive among various habitats throughout the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    • Tags: geology,igneous rocks,sedimentary rocks,metamorphic rocks

    Students will be able to identify the major rock formation types in various national parks.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    Mountain Weather

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Grade Level: Middle School: Sixth Grade through Eighth Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    A rocky mountain peak peeking out of the clouds and covered in a fresh coat of snow

    Mountain weather is a force that climbers and outdoor enthusiasts need to understand and predict in order to plan safely and make good decisions in the backcountry. Use this lesson to help students understand weather patterns and processes and learn field prediction.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    Weather Wonders

    • Type: Field Trips
    • Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subjects: Math,Science
    Grand Teton Mountains in fog and clouds

    What lives under the snow? Teaching scientific inquiry is easy when students are curious. Students will investigate life above and under the snow as park rangers lead them on a snowshoe hike.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    Rock the Tetons

    • Type: Field Trips
    • Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    A large rocky mountain with a black dike and glacier

    Students learn about geology in simple, tangible ways while witnessing first hand versions of mountain building and erosion.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    Winter Challenge

    • Type: Field Trips
    • Grade Level: Lower Elementary: Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    Pine Marten in the snow

    Students snowshoe in the footprints of Grand Teton wildlife and use their own inferences and observations to understand animal behaviors and adaptations.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    What is Wild

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subjects: Literacy and Language Arts,Science,Social Studies
    Four fluffy tan/ yellow Bittern chicks in a nest

    The lesson allows students to think about and discuss their role and the importance of protecting habitats for different types of organisms.

  • Grand Teton National Park

    Dress for Winter

    • Type: Lesson Plan
    • Grade Level: Upper Elementary: Third Grade through Fifth Grade
    • Subjects: Science
    A person snowshoes through Jackson Hole valley in winter

    The lesson relates outdoor preparedness to the dramatic winter weather of Grand Teton National Park. In order to safely enjoy and explore the outdoors, students need to have the understanding that clothing can wick, insulate, and transfer heat energy.

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P.O. Box 170
Moose, WY 83012


Talk to a Ranger? To speak to a Grand Teton National Park ranger call 307–739–3399 for visitor information Monday-Friday during business hours.

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