1st Amendment Activities

A Special Use Permit may be required for certain activities such as political events, public assemblies, demonstrations, the distribution of literature, church services and other activities commonly referred to as "First Amendment" activities.

Freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly are rights protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution. People may exercise these rights in national parks, but the National Park Service (NPS) retains its responsibility to protect park resources and prevent conflict among park visitors. By law, the NPS has established places in the park where First Amendment activities can be accommodated. These areas are visible to the general visiting public without interfering with the public's enjoyment of the park. For First Amendment sites click here Locations:

Individuals and small groups (fewer than 25 people) do not need a permit for First Amendment activities at the designated First Amendment areas within the park. Groups larger than 25 people must obtain a permit, but are not required to pay an application fee.
Groups without permits will be allowed use of the First Amendment area on a first come first serve basis. A group with a valid permit will be permitted to displace a group without a permit.

For more information, please contact Special Park Uses Coordinator, by email.


Last updated: February 19, 2020

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