News Release

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SAN FRANCISCO— Fort Barry is located in the Golden Gate Recreation Area in Marin County, California. The US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is investigating this site under the Defense Environmental Restoration Program for Formerly Used Defense Sites (DERP-FUDS).
The Department of Defense (DOD) encourages community involvement in the environmental restoration process. A Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) is one of many methods the USACE may use to facilitate public participation at a FUDS. RABs provide a collaborative forum for the community, government agencies, tribes and installation decision makers to discuss and identify the most efficient and productive means to restore the environment. RAB members are asked to meet regularly to review and comment on technical documents and plans relating to the ongoing environmental studies and restoration activities at the site. Members will be expected to serve as liaisons with the community and be available to meet with community members and groups. RAB members serve as volunteers and provide individual advice to decision makers on environmental restoration plans for the former Fort Barry Small Arms Firing Range.
The USACE Sacramento District welcomes public feedback regarding interest in establishing a RAB for the Fort Barry Rifle Range no later than 29 March 2024. Inquiries or questions should be submitted to USACE Attention: Sacramento FUDS Program Manager, 1325 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 or emailed to:
Last updated: March 14, 2024