FIRESafe MARIN Projects - Stinson Beach

Stinson Beach School

Stinson Beach School Fuel Break

COMMUNITIES: Stinson Beach

INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Stinson Beach Fire Protection District

FUNDING PROVIDED: $11,000 (FY 2003)

OBJECTIVE: To create a defensible space for the town via the removal of hazardous fuels around Stinson Beach School and areas in the Highlands.

DESCRIPTION: Conduct hazardous fuel removal along NPS/Stinson Beach property line in two areas - the Stinson Beach School and Willow Camp Fire Road. In a wildland fire emergency, the defensible space would provide local firefighters with more time to fight the fire, and in the on-going work to create a safe environment will encourage homeowners to prepare defensible spaces for their own property.

Stinson Beach is an unincorporated town located in West Marin, surrounded by NPS property and the Pacific Ocean. Stinson Beach has a population of approximately 1,200 people, a figure that grows significantly in the summer months. There are approximately 1,750 hectares (4,320 acres) in the town of Stinson Beach with many narrow roads leading to thousands of hectares of federal parklands.


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Stinson Beach Fire Prevention Signs

COMMUNITIES: Stinson Beach

INTERFACE: Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Stinson Beach Fire Protection District

FUNDING PROVIDED: $2,000 (FY 2003)

OBJECTIVE: To implement a fire education and warning program

DESCRIPTION: Develop and install fire danger signs at both ends of the town along Highway One. Stinson Beach is an unincorporated town located in West Marin, surrounded by NPS property and the Pacific Ocean. Stinson Beach has a population of approximately 1,200 people, a figure that grows significantly in the summer months. There are approximately 1,750 hectares (4,320 acres) in the town of Stinson Beach with many narrow roads leading to thousands of hectares of federal parklands. Both are within state-declared high fire hazard zones.


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Last updated: May 28, 2023

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Golden Gate National Recreation Area
201 Fort Mason

San Francisco, CA 94123


United States Park Police Dispatch: Non-Emergency: 415-561-5505 Emergency: 415-561-5656

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