FIRESafe MARIN Projects - Kentfield


Indian Fire Road Fuel Reduction

COMMUNITIES: Kent Woodlands

INTERFACE: Muir Woods National Monument, Golden Gate National Recreation Area

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire Department

FUNDING PROVIDED: $72,450 (FY 2003)

OBJECTIVE: To improve fire safety and readiness in the Marin County communities adjacent to NPS lands by implementing a fuel reduction program to help create defensible space.

DESCRIPTION: A fuel reduction program will thin overstocked stands of trees, prune low branches, and treat chaparral to reduce fuel loading. Down, woody material will be collected, piled, and burned, and trees and shrubs affected by sudden oak death will also be cut and burned. Kent Woodlands is a residential development of nearly 800 homes bordering publicly managed open space areas and Marin Municipal Watershed lands located in south-central Marin County. Access to the neighborhood is provided by Woodland Road, a 2-lane paved road. Arterial roads are generally 6 meters (20 feet) wide with minimal parking and turnout opportunities, making access difficult for fire apparatus and evacuating residents. Topography ranges from relatively flat along the valley bottom to very steep along upper slopes and ridges.


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Kent Woodlands

Kent Woodlands Fuel Break

COMMUNITIES: Kent Woodlands

INTERFACE: Muir Woods National Monument, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Marin Municipal Water District

FIRE DISTRICT: Marin County Fire District

FUNDING PROVIDED: $50,000 (FY 2003), $60,000 (FY 2004)

OBJECTIVE: To provide an effective fire protection zone along the interface lands of Kent Woodlands and to improve fire safety and readiness in Kentfield area communities adjacent to public lands.

DESCRIPTION: Field crews will use hand tools, motorized hand-held equipment, and machinery to create fuel breaks. Light fuels within the fuel break will be mowed or cut and left in place. New or expanded fuel breaks will be created by cutting and piling brush. Lower tree limbs will be cut, piled, and burned in the fall.

Kent Woodlands is a residential development of nearly 800 homes bordering publicly managed open space areas and Marin Municipal Watershed lands located in south-central Marin County. Access to the neighborhood is provided by Woodland Road, a 2-lane paved road. Arterial roads are generally 6 meters (20 feet) wide with minimal parking and turnout opportunities, making access difficult for fire apparatus and evacuating residents. Topography ranges from relatively flat along the valley bottom to very steep along upper slopes and ridges.


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Last updated: May 28, 2023

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San Francisco, CA 94123


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