The Voices of The Golden Gate

golden gate postcard
The Golden Gate before the Bridge

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35204

Long before the Golden Gate Bridge this strait existed. We know the history of the gate, it's naming and why we find it important today. But here you can listen to stories from people who have interracted with it over time. You can hear what they thought, and in some cases how they felt. What stories of the Golden Gate will you make?
Plane Over Marin Golden Gate Bridge
Plane over Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archive, GOGA 35301

"All of a sudden, the tower called downstairs and said -gave the aircraft number, and I forget what it was now -said, 'The airplane just went under the Bridge.' I said, 'You got to be kidding!'" - Iva Young

Golden Gate Bridge BBG construction showing Fort Point c 1930s
Building the Bridge

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 8669

"I hate that! Absolutely hate that bridge ruining my beautiful Golden Gate!" - Madeline Chase

Golden Gate Bridge March 1938
The Golden Gate Strait

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35263

"One night, it was real early after Pearl Harbor, there was a blackout of course, we had sonar for tracking. We were tracking a submarine that was approaching the Golden Gate Bridge. Our big worry was it one of our own or was it an enemy submarine." - Jack Lehmkuhl

Mine Planters Dock 1943
Mine Depot at Fort Point

Golden Gate NRA, Park Archives, GOGA 35301

"These mines would be planted outside the gate, and every so often we would pick them up and bring them ashore to Fort Scott, or Fort Baker, or even over on Treasure Island, they would re-work them, they would scale them and paint them, and look over the firing mechanism and all of that, and then we would take them back out again." - Rudy Palihnich

These oral histories may be used for any legitimate non-commercial public or press use with proper credit given to the National Park Service. If you have any questions or require additional information, please reach out to the Park Archives and Records Center’s reference archivist at 415-561-2807 or Contact Us.

For a Complete List of Oral Histories Available by Topic

For More Stories

Listen to Louise Cook and Josephine Hettel discuss the Golden gate Bridge on The Voices of Fort Point

Listen to John Schonher discuss Coastal Defense on The Voices of Fort Miley

Listen to Harrison Payne discuss Harbor Defense on The Voices of Fort Point

Return to the Oral Histories Main Page

Last updated: July 10, 2024

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